Chapter 38: A shadow hero should be protected too?

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Fifteen minutes or so passed, almost everyone now has finished eating and are free to do whatever they want with their spare time.

Just as I had predicted, they started gathering in our spot to interrogate us. However, this time I'm fully prepared with my "perfect side character mode", more prepared than ever before.

"Yukiya-kun, you were really cool yesterday, have you ever considered joining the basketball club?"

"He's right, we can give you a recommendation to coach if you ever feel like joining."

Like yesterday, when they saw my performance in the basketball match against Soba and his friends, they considered recruiting me to their sports clubs.

"Thanks, but I'll have to decline." I nonchalantly told with a perfect smile on my face.

'Only those who live in ignorance are allowed to walk in the light. For me, who left everything and chose to walk on a road of darkness, I shall create a world where no one needs to walk this tragic path. No, not anymore...'

[Translation: it would take too much of my shadow hero time. So, no.]

A shadow hero isn't really known for joining other factions, wouldn't joining other clubs limit my time for my secret operations?

And so, random and trivial conversations just like that are exchanged. The class was slowly getting to know me better and I started to know them better as well in the process.

I put on this sociable air around me while Mocha-san stared at me on the corner.

'Is he still acting? He's playing it off so casually, as if, he was really this friendly by nature.'

I had warned her beforehand to watch me, so she concluded I was demonstrating something to her, believing it was act.

'I don't know anymore...'

As I sat on my desk, our classmates kept giving me questions, which is fine since I fully prepared and braced myself for this.

So far, I have maintained my composure, putting up this sociable air around me quite skillfully.

Everything was proceeding smoothly, they kept handing me questions and I kept giving out replies to their questions.

It was all going well until...

"So, Yukiya-kun. Why don't you wear your old uniform anymore? You know? The flashy looking one?"

The question I feared the most had eventually been touched.

"N-Nothing, I... I don't know what you're talking about." I replied, slightly breaking a sweat.

Hearing questions that might relate me to my shadow hero character "Phantom", my composure wavered from the thought of being exposed.

"Oh yeah. Why did you dye your hair blue? It looks good. Why did you have it black in the first place?"

"T, That's..."

"Why don't you wear a face mask anymore?"


By this time, my composure has now been broken, finding myself struggling to answer as they kept asking things I don't want to be questioned about.

My face's complexion turned to that of a somewhat embarrassed one, and my classmates noticed.

Seeing my somewhat embarrassed face, my classmates wanted to tease me some more, pressing on a little further with the questions about those things I did in the past.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now