Chapter 17: I'm just an "assassin"

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[Chapter 17: I'm just an "assassin"]

You might be curious, how did I ended up running out of the bush you may ask?

You see, it was from an idea I had last night.

Last night, I was researching various ways on how I can improve my hiding amongst the crowds, as a real Shadow Hero.

During the research, I came across a role that I had forgotten who's perfect for hiding.

And that role was "an Assassin."

Assassin, a job that focuses on concealing their presence despite being near by.

Using them as reference, wouldn't they be the perfect role model to become a real shadow?

"I see, an assassin huh. Let's try it."

That lead me to what happened right now.

Coming out of the house, I left the premise with a hooded mantle on hand.

When no one was looking, I wore the assassin's hood over my head, proceeding on my way to school, while honing my stealth skills, hiding from people's sights as I made my way to school.

The hooded mantle isn't really necessary. However, just by wearing it over my head. I can indulge and embrace being an assassin in hiding more, just like how I embrace my shadow hero roleplay with my Phantom attire.

Plus... hoods are stylishly edgy as heck, just the way I like it.

"I am a shadow and the shadow is myself. I am one with the shadows."

While making my way to school, I continuously tried to stay clear out of sight as much as I could. I hid among the bushes, the trees, and the back of vending machines, etch. Somewhere that has a blind spot large enough to prevent even a passing glimpse of my body.

I was too absorbed with the assassin roleplay that I forgotten to keep track of the time.

"Oh crap. Look at the time. I'm gonna be late!"

I frantically ran as quickly I could after realizing how late it was already.

Desperate, I gone off tract and follow the route I mapped from previews experience as a shadow hero. [Basically, saying he knows the area like the back of his hand.]

'I messed up. A normal student shouldn't be late!'

'Being an assassin spends more time on finding hiding spots than I initially thought. I guess hiding amongst the crowds was the more efficient option after all.'

Running the fastest I could, I dashed through an off-track route that wasn't even on the road anymore.

The path I'm taking is not really a real path. It was a series of houses/backyards that I'm passing through right now.

As I said earlier, I know this route like the back of my hand so I was already acquainted with the house owners so I don't think they'll get angry too much.

'I'll apologize later.'

As I hurried through the series of houses, passing through the final yard that would reconnect me back to the main road, which would lead me straight to school.

I dashed through the final obstacle, which was a tall bush fence, a girl with pink hair and a slice of bread on her mouth was right behind the said fence made out of bush. But I wasn't aware of that.

The moment I passed through the fence made of bush, it was already too late.


Before we knew it, we had already fallen on the ground after colliding with one another.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now