Chapter 19: A generic student character.

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[Chapter 19: A generic student character.]

We went back inside, sat down, and pretended like nothing even happened.

The teacher arrived and class started.

Behaved on my seat, I silently announced to myself,

'Time to put to the test Operation: Generic Student Character.'

As class is proceeding, Mocha-san kept sneaking glances towards my direction.

Earlier, she decided to evaluate me if I was a potential capture target to her own make-believe shoujo setting.

Her assumption was that I was a delinquent type of character.

'Is he really a delinquent?'

She questions herself, as she secretly sneaks glances at me, as I listlessly stared blankly outside the window.

'Why isn't he paying attention to class? Doesn't he need to focus on the lesson? ...His side profile looks handsome too.'

Secretly glancing at me, she thought of how good looking my side profile was that she didn't even notice she was already stuck staring at me, forgetting to pay attention to class.

"Ahem, Mocha Tsukiyo. Eyes on the front." The teacher called out Mocha-san for not paying attention.

"Ha-. Ah, y-yes!"

She stutteringly answered in surprise, with face turned red from embarrassment.

The class had a small chuckle for a brief moment then continued on with the lesson.

'H, how embarrassing...'

One of them was me.


A small chuckle coming from my direction reached Mocha-san's ears.

When she looked towards my direction, I immediately shifted my position to listlessly looking outside the window.

Hey, I'm still human too and still can find this kind of situation funny.

Even back then, I always hold my laughter in moments like this. I held it back before because I wanted to be the silent and mysterious character of the class.

I wasn't aware about it, but my classmates found it creepy when I laughed, with my laughter being filtered by my mask, producing creepy sounds.

'Why you...'

She looked at me with annoyance,

'I wonder why the teacher didn't call him out too? He's obviously not paying attention as well... Does this mean, him not paying attention to the class is a common occurrence, that they don't bother correcting him anymore?' [Yesn't]

By not focusing on the lesson, Mocha-san's suspicion of me being a delinquent grew all the more true in her eyes.

Actually, it was because the teachers are already used for my past self not participating in class. That's why yesterday they were so surprised that I actually know the answers to their questions. [Reminder: He's usually spaced out during class, lost in his own delusions.]

After answering them all, the teacher no longer questioned if I was actually listening.


Two hours later.

It has been 2 hours, and I'm still maintaining this same, looking listlessly outside the window pose. My neck is starting to hurt, and the arm my head is resting on is starting to go numb.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now