Chapter 31: Just seemed cold but is actually caring.

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[Chapter 31: Just seemed cold but is actually caring.]

The door slides open and the one behind it was Hitomi-san, with her, our classmates who were in the same team as Mocha-san's when they were playing volleyball. And it seems like they wanted to say something.

Mocha-san pulled down the blanket, presenting herself, as she realized there are other people present.

"H, Hey, g-guys." She greeted them nervously, expecting, 'Are they gonna scold me?'

Mocha-san thought they were there to confront her about the volleyball game.

Just before anything happens, 'I guess it's time to make my exit.'

Just when Class Rep Hitomi-san and the others arrived, I casually stood up and excused myself. Nonchalantly telling them,

"I'll leave you guys to it."

I told them with an all knowing grin, as if, already know what they're gonna talk about and realized I didn't belong there.

But actually, after I exited the room. I was thinking,

'Kukuku. How was that? My mysterious character exit. Was it shady enough to leave you questioning, "what were they talking about before we interrupted? Kukuku.'

What I was trying to achieve here is when there were two characters talking about important matters, until another character came into the scene, seemingly being forced to cut their conversation short.

As they saw the other character excused themselves, you'll have to wonder, what were they talking about? Cutting their conversation short, as though they didn't want that specific conversation to be heard by others.

Their curiosity will grow as they raised suspicion. Later finding out that specific conversation was actually relevant to the plot. It's a typical mysterious character move if I do say so myself.

Blending amongst the crowds is what a shadow hero does, but it's still important to act shady from time to time to plant the seeds of suspicion.

In the long term of being a mysterious character, it's important to plant these subtle hints of suspicion so that the reveal would make sense later on when they reveal their true identity and their relevance to the plot.

These slow realizations of those subtle hints is what truly makes the reveal all the more thrilling for the viewers.

Though, I still don't know how I would use it in the future... I just really wanted to make a shady exit at the moment.

"Mocha-san, are you alright now?" inquired Class Rep Hitomi-san, asking if Mocha-san was already fine from the volleyball incident.

"Y, yeah..." replied Mocha-san, preparing herself for what they're about to say. 'Here it comes!'


Mocha-san closed her eyes, expecting to be scolded. Just when Class Rep Hitomi-san was about to speak, she was interrupted by our tomboyish and free spirited classmate.

"You did a good job holding out there!"


'Eh...? Did a good job? on what?'

Mocha-san tilted her head, looking puzzled by what they meant.

"Yeah, you really take that spike head on."

"Pfft. We didn't think you would do that"

"You were super brave. I *chuckles* didn't think you *chuckles*, you'd take the ball head on. Pfft, Pwa Ha Ha Ha!"

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now