Chapter 34: Just picking up being the "perfect" side character.

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The next day.

After getting out of the house not too long ago, I'm now currently walking my way to school.

Yesterday, I executed my plan to be a "generic student character" while at school. However, it didn't work out as I hoped it would. In fact, it performed way worse than when I was acting as the "perfect side character", the vasaud Ayaka and I honed during the summer break with the help of Haruka-san, using her persona as a base to acting out as a normie.

The reason I tried revising my side character act was because I started having doubts after President Shiori-senpai caught on my act. That is why I tried improving it in the first place.

However, judging by how Mocha-san, the transfer student that I got to know just yesterday instantly found out I wasn't a normal person just after meeting.

With her knowing my secret as someone not ordinary, I sought for her opinion about my facade of being a generic student character throughout the day. But it seems like it ultimately failed judging by her disappointed reaction towards my acting.

So, last night, I confessed to Ayaka about my failure yesterday by acting out my night's research of being a generic student character.

"What's the matter? Did anything happen in school?" Ayaka inquired, thinking 'Did he already find out he looks nothing like a side character!?'

She asked because she noticed I looked somewhat troubled and guilty about something.

While fiddling with my finger, I nervously confessed to Ayaka.

"Actually, last night, I researched blending in with the crowds a little more, and I encountered this page. It's title was the characteristics of generic student characters in a high school anime setting."

'So he still hasn't find out. That's a relief.'

Ayaka exhales in relief. I thought she would be angrier because I didn't get her opinion first. That's the reason why I tried buying her something, but you know how it turned out.

"Actually... someone saw through my façade yesterday. That's the reason why I tried revising our perfect side character act in the first place." I told her, making excuses for myself.

"Yeah? And who's that?"

"It was none other than the student council president, the head of the cult. Ah, never mind. They're good guys now."

"Even so, the fact that she found out who I was still remains."

Is what I explained to Ayaka, the purpose of why I attempted other means on how to blend in with the crowds.

"That was completely unnecessary" commented Ayaka.

"Eh? Why do you mean?"

I asked her for why it was unnecessary.

'He'll probably be disappointed if I tell him he's imitating a main character of a romcom anime.' and so Ayaka chose not to.

"B-Because, your perfect side character act is already flawless. I-It was most likely that Student Council President-san has the ability to sense strong individuals. T-There's a reading why she was part of the student council, after all." [Spouting random bull shit on the spot.]

"Come to think of it, you were also once part of your school's student body. That's probably it since they are selected individuals!"

Coming to a realization, I nodded my head as if, agreeing and supporting Ayaka's statement.

Ayaka is really smart so I expect that people in a position of student council might possibly be at her level.

If so, it wouldn't be strange if Shiori-senpai sensed my true strength if she herself was strong.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now