Chapter 13: I caught you.

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[Chater 13: I caught you.]

"Sigh. He's not coming..."

Senpai sighs as she realizes there's no point in waiting any further, as the suspected(weirdo) she was trying to catch showed no signs of coming to the rooftop any time sooner. [Already came.] 

"I better be heading back now. It would be pointless waiting around any longer." she said to herself, realizing how late the time was already. 'Ugh, my legs hurts...'

After standing there for almost an hour, having a firm stance in the same spot all this time, President Shiori-senpai found herself with her legs hurting for standing too long.

Her legs were hurting from standing still for too long, guarding the door of the rooftop. Actually, even before I found her there, she was already standing at the same spot without moving an inch, so her legs must have went numb after standing for too long.

I didn't know the reason why she didn't just sit down though, but it was because,

'I didn't want to ruin my strong senpai image to that freshman earlier, so I stood with a firm stance all those time showing no signs of weakness. But now, I can feel my legs going numb for standing too long...'

After standing there for a few more minutes, after a certain freshman left, just like she promised, Student Council President Shiori-senpai finally decided to leave.

Walking in an unstable manner, using the walls as support as she makes her descend from the staircase.

Half way through, when she was about to take her next step, she accidentally missed placed he footing and twisted her ankle that made her loosen balance.

In a state of panic, she accidentally pushed herself with her other foot as she tried to regain balance, but accidentally jumped horizontally from the ground that made her fall much further at a dangerous hight.

Her eyes widened, as her life flashed before her eyes the moment she realized she was already free falling, and looking back on her self and what she had been doing until now.

And then, a memory from the past triggered and began resurfacing.

"My name is Shiori Hikaruno, and I just so happens to be the president of the student council of Hokkyokusei High School."

'Back in elementary, I had a dream.'

"I want a prince to come and save me! That way, I can be a princess and live in a huge castle. And then we'll live happily ever after!"

The boys my age teased me, saying I don't need saving because I was the tallest of my age group. However, I don't give a care about those bums because they are not my fated prince that would swift me off my feet, carrying me in his arms and treating me as a real princess.

'However, my prince never came in my time of need, when I needed him the most in that moment...'

It was back when I was about seven or so years old. I climbed up a tall tree tying to my balloon that slipped away from my hands that got stuck on one the tree's branches.

So I climbed up there ...about when the balloon was now within my reach ...I accidentally lost grip and ultimately fell on the ground.

The fall was so hard that it broke my left arm and was rushed to the hospital.

'Why did my prince not come and swoop me in his arms?' Is what I wonder at that time.

On that unfaithful moment, I realized that princes aren't real. And even if they do, they won't come to save me.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now