Chapter 5: Haircut

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[Chapter 5: Haircut]

'Yes. It worked!'

Ayaka was overjoyed of her master plan actually working. In the back of her mind, she's already celebrating a grand festival all to herself.

Realizing what I have to do from now on, I hesitantly asked Ayaka.

"Umm... how do you act normal again...?"

"So we're starting from there?! Σ(°-°)"

I have been doing this Phantom character for as long as I can remember. What can be considered as normal behavior is very vague to me at this point.

"Sigh, you're hopeless... what would you do without me"

She said with a cheeky smile.

Ayaka sigh but it wasn't a sign of ridiculing my lack of normal sense, in fact, it was though she was happy to be relied upon.

"Okay, starting tomorrow we will start your training. Tomorrow just so happens to be the start of our summer vacation." She declared.

Ayaka pumped her fist in the air cheering for the moment. "We shall use this time to transform you into the perfect side character that's able to blend in with the crowds."

"...Ah- y, yeah"

I raised my fist in the air slowly, unsure about what was happening. Ayaka has this cunning grin on her face. 'I wonder what she's planning?'

Maybe she's just that excited about the birth of a true shadow hero? I could tell because I'm somewhat excited as well.

Anyways, I am very much on board with this idea of blending in with the crowds. A hidden strong character huh, I like that concept.

And so, we'll start my training tomorrow which also marks the start of our summer break.


And so, tomorrow came as well as our summer break.

Yesterday, we decided to transform my out of the ordinary get up to a normal looking one, in order to blend in with the crowds.

Right now we're in the shopping district for my side characterification.

Ayaka dragged me all the way here and the first place we went to was the salon.

We plan to get my hair cut done in order for me to not stand out. This is necessary because even myself is aware that my bangs were too long and messy to be considered normal.

We entered the salon and fortunately, we were the first one there and are the only customers at the moment.

I took a seat on one of the fancy looking chairs the barber was supposed to cut your hair, you know, those big spinning chairs that can change the height that's in front of this huge long mirror on the wall.

Sitting down on the chair, I put my right leg on top of the other in an arrogant manner. I couldn't help it for the seat looks and feels so much like a throne, with its intricate design and crimson color leather. It was designed in a very thronely appearance.

"Hehehehe..." Laughs menacingly*

'This chair looks nice.... I wonder if I should get one?' I thought to myself, thought I knew I wouldn't because I expected it to be hella expensive.

I was thinking how nice the chair was, playing around with it, searching for the perfect height. I was trying to make it as tall as possible to get that perfect high ground feeling from the last boss. I was having fun with it until...

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