Chapter 12: She's just part of the good guys.

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[Chapter 12: She's just part of the good guys.]

After 30 minutes or so of waiting for the weird person to come.

In that thirty minutes, Senpai hasn't even moved an inch from the same spot she was standing on ever since the moment I found her here, guarding the door which has access to the rooftop. Also, I'm pretty much done with lunch and was just waiting for the weird person to come.

"Sigh. Still no sign of him coming." [That's because he's already here.]

After long minutes of waiting, there was still no signs of the weird person coming. Although the weird person senpai was looking for was actually me, but I wasn't aware of that. So I decided to stay because I thought it was interesting.

"So, senpai. What do you plan to do with the weirdo after you caught him?" I inquired.

"? I would just confront him to not come to the rooftop anymore. It's not like I'll put him in jail or anything." she explained that, "The rooftop is not well maintained so it could be dangerous for people to hang around with. That's why it's off limits to students."

"What if he refused to stop? Even after telling him off. It's not like someone will always be here to guard the door every time he tries to."

"Then, I'll just have to come here everyday to stop to him. It's my job to keep students out of trouble after all." she told me with hints of pride to her words.

"But. Why go through so much trouble?" I inquired, wondering what she'll get out of doing this.

She looked back at me and smiled. "As the student council president, it's my job to keep the students in line. My duty is to maintain peace and order to this school, preventing it from falling into chaos."

"Think of it this way. If one guy brake the rules, then others will follow. Then the world will be filled with traublesome people. However, as long as there are people who's willing to guide them in the right path, then we won't have to worry about being overrun with trouble makers. As the student council president, I'm willing to take on that responsibility and guide students to not lose their way."

As I stared at her telling all that, I could see the dedication remitting from her eyes to keep others out of trouble. And I, for one, a shadow hero who works for own beliefs of justice, admires her for that. She gains my respect for being our student council president of this school.

"I guess you're right. Senpai is really an admirable person." I complimented her.

She just smiled back at me as if accepting the compliment I just gave.

I put my hand on my chin thinking deeply.

'I see. So the student council isn't a bad organization huh. I'll take it that they took away my sword in consideration of the safety of the students. Sorry for accusing you of being a cult.'

'For now, I'll put them on the good side of the list...'

Thinking some more.

'Wait a minute, this situation seems familiar!'

I suddenly realized something about the situation that was unfolding right now.

'Isn't this development just like the ones that happen in the shows?!'

In the beginning of the series, where the shadow hero makes his first appearance. He was mistakenly perceived as one of the bad guys.

His motives were unclear, whose side he was on, or his objectives, so it was understandable for the good guys to assume he's one of the opposing sectors from how shady he moves.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why are Maidens Falling for Me? [Volume 1] (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now