Chapter 4: Not a "shadow hero"?

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[Chapter 4: Not a "shadow hero"?]

After finishing the airing of the WHKE (Weak Holy Knight of the Empire).

"Yep, still as good as last time, especially my boy Gaias." I nodded while complementing the anime.

After finishing the broadcasting of The Weak Holy Knight of The Empire, my day is now filled with satisfaction that I almost forgot that no one talked to me in the classroom again today.

What I like about Gaias in this week's episode was the way he said "I am always watching" before he disappeared in the mist produced by the rubbles, making his mysterious exit after the battle.

But still, I don't get how he knows the exact details of how certain events played out, as though he was there at those very moments. He barely gets screen time, so I don't know what he's doing off-screen. If he wasn't there, how does he know...? Hmm...

I placed my hand on my chin, lost in deep thought thinking of how Gaias could have pulled it off.

While walking down the stairs, I bump into Ayaka.

"Ayaka, let's take on an adventur-"

"No thanks."

[Ayaka refused as naturally as she breathes]

As soon as I suggested to go on adventuring, Ayaka refused before I could even finish my sentence. It's kind of sad how she always rejects my offer as soon as I try to invite her to do chuunibyou stuff. I remembered the good old days when she would look up to her big brother and go along with my whimsical roleplays.

Now, whenever I bring it up, she just ignores it or refuses as soon as I ask the question. She still goes along with it from time to time so I don't think she hates it as much tho... maybe she's at her rebellious phase?

"Don't be like that, it has been a while since I talked with anybody in school ...No, I mean, this is the path I have chosen as the shadow hero Phantom. Like a lone wolf, I never felt lonely when I was alone." I explained, slightly defensive that "Kukuku. To think they'll fear me this much with my presence alone. I guess wearing my "Phantom attire" is just too intimidating for ordinary civilians."

To be honest, I didn't think my Phantom attire was all that scary, rather, it was cool. However, people's reactions compared to my middle school classmates are just too different. Maybe they have a low resistance to powerful people. [Takin it as a positive and was proud for being intimidating as a shadow hero.]

'If you weren't my brother, I probably wouldn't associate myself with you too...' Ayaka secretly thought, thinking how cringy I looked with my edgy/flashy clothing.

Ayaka's expression turned a little soured.

'So this finally confirms it... Brother is being avoided because of his chuunibyou antics. I knew something like this would happen eventually without prior notice... Did he become a class outcast? Let's interrogate him further.'

"Um, brother. Since when did they started avoi-, I mean, fearing you?" Ayaka asked, wanting to know, 'How long has he been getting neglected. Are they bullying Onii(Brother)!?'

For some reason, Ayaka has this annoyed and fierce expression on her face. She seemed angry.

"Since school started" I proudly replied, thinking it was a great achievement.

"That long?!" Ayaka placed her hand to her chin, 'It has already been more than three months since school started... I can't imagine how uncomfortable that felt. By that, I don't mean brother, I'm sure he's enjoying it, I'm more worried about the atmosphere with his classmates.

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