I am not enough

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Y/n's pov
I was walking around camp trying to look for my boyfriend, Luke. He had been down the whole day and I couldn't really get to him the way I wanted to since I had to train new comers.

I am not an Hermes child and I do not live in his same cabin but I should go check in there first, he probably is there or maybe someone there knew where he was

"Hey guys, is Luke here?"

I asked to his friends, hoping to see his mass of curly dark hair pop out behind them but that didn't happen so my prospectives started to decrease

"Hey Y/n, no he is not here. But since you brought that up he has been kinda low all day, not really himself you know?"

I simply nodded, Luke was not known for being demoralised, he always was the one to help the demoralised ones. I wanted to get to the bottom of it

"He went into the woods by the way, we saw him like an hour ago"


I started running to our spot hoping he would be there. It was this little cherry tree that flowered cherries all year long, and we also loved eating and throwing them at each other. We spent most of our time there, cuddles, hugs, kisses. Just thinking at that made me smile


I said finally arriving at our spot, he was there that god. Or gods I guess. I smiled down at him but he didn't look at me, instead he turned his head the other way. I frowned at his gesture. Did I do something wrong? I knelt down before him and took his hands in mine but he moved them away

That hurt

"Babe what's wrong please tell me, did I do something?"

I asked but I didn't gain a response. I was about to speak again but I heard a sniffle. Was he crying? I never saw him crying, ever and I have been here long enough to say that that doesn't happen often

"Luke why are you crying? Hey look at me"

I took his face in my hands to turn it towards me, he finally allowed that gesture and looked me straight to the eyes, I looked back in his puffy red eyes

"I-I am s-sorry"

He said sobbing and hugging me as if his life depended on it. I sat down and let him rest his head on my shoulder, I rubbed his back saying reassuring things but I wanted to get at the bottom of this

"Hey, mind telling me what is bothering you?"

I asked after awhile, noticing he calmed down a bit. He sat up straight, took my hands in his and poured his lips, ready to finally talk

"I am not enough"

He said, I opened my mouth ready to protest. What does it mean he is not enough? He is perfect like the most perfect guy I have ever laid eyes on

"Don't tell bullshit to yourself Luke, you are enough"

"No I am not!"

He said standing up angry, I was a bit taken aback but I think he was holding everything in so I decided to let him talk

"I am done with being the best at this and at that, do you know how much pressure I have on? And what if I fail? They are just gonna throw me away like trash"

He said kicking a rock, I stood up and once again hold is face in my hands. I traced his scar and I smiled at him

"I would never throw you away, you don't have to be perfect all the time, sometimes we fall and that's ok, but what is important is how and if we get up. Remember this, every time you'll fall, I'll be there catching, so you either don't fall or we both will, you know it's easier to get up together"

I said wiping some tears on his checks, I noticed a smile growing on his face. He let his head fall down laughing a bit

"I don't deserve you"

He said putting is arms around my waist

"No, I am the one who doesn't deserve the best boy I have ever met"

I said getting on my tippy toes due to the height difference to give him a kiss on the check but he smoothly turned his head and I kissed his lips


I said laughing. He just scrolled his shoulders and then he took me in his arms and spun me around making me laugh

"I love your laugh, it makes me happy"

He said and I looked down, even though it's quite awhile we've been dating I still get all flattered and stuff at his cheeky comments. He then lifted my face putting two fingers under my chin to make me look up

"Now can I kiss you more properly as a thank you?"

He said smiling

"You can but no need to thank me"

I said smiling as well. He bent down and kissed me passionately this time. This boy is gonna be the end of me but I had to break the kiss

"We should go they are probably wondering where you are"

"They can wait a little longer"

He said kissing me again. No need to say that we spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling under the cherry tree, talking and him telling me all his insecurities and me reassuring him that I will never leave his side. Never

Heyyy so if you have and request let me know down here, hope you enjoyed :)

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