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Tw: an0rex1a
Y/n's pov
Another day. Another meal. I can't deal with it anymore. Just the thought of feeling my stomach full gets me anxious. I can't do it anymore

I've been struggling with anorexia since I was a kid, it has never been about my body, since I've always been quite skinny, it was the deserving part. I didn't deserve to eat, to satisfy my body, I was not worthy

From a week to now I've stopped eating and drinking, I am very good at hiding things, even from my boyfriend even though I am not proud of that if I have to be honest

My boyfriend, Luke Castellan, is aware of my disease but he thought I was doing better, I made him believe that. How did I make him not notice? I said I had eaten before along side my fellow sisters and brothers since we were not under the same roof

He was so caring and he would get so worried if I told him I had had a down. I couldn't do that to him. He always helped me so much, he would take me to the kitchen and help me eat the craziest food, he would even cook sometimes but he was terrible at it, but I never told him that

I smiled at that thought.

"What are you smiling at darling?"

Asked Luke who joined me in my hiking. Yes, I have started to hyperactivity again, but I would just tell him i did it to clear my mind. He surely was suspicious but didn't dare to get to the bottom of it

I smiled turning to him

"I was thinking of you"

He gave me a quick kiss and hold my hand

"Glad to know I make you smile sunshine. Can I ask you a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time?"

He said biting down his lip, a bit unsure he seemed if I have to be honest. I nodded, curious to know this question that makes him so nervous

"Have you been eating lately?"

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him. He looked at me as well, dead serious. Why was he suspecting?


I asked trying to sound convincing but my voice was shaking. I couldn't let him notice, nor anyone, I would have to go through teraphy again and I was not there for that

Luke slowly made his way towards me and hold both my hand. He held a caring stare

"Because I haven't seen you eating for a week and you are visibly skinnier, also the light in your eyes... I can't see it anymore"

He said caressing my check. I shoved it away. Maybe I shouldn't have this reaction but I was just annoyed. I walked ahead and I heard him sigh

"Just tell me the truth y/n I want to help you"

"You can't help me Luke "

I said sighing as well, he really couldn't. It was all up to me and my head. I had the power to stop, but I didn't want to

"So it's true"


"You haven't been eating"

I was now walking so fast that he had to run to keep up with me. I rolled my eyes visibly annoyed

"That's not true"

I heard him talking again but something was off. My head started spinning like crazy and my ears started to whistle really bad. I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't breathe anymore. Then I heard screaming and everything went black

Luke's PoV

I screamed as I catched her fainted body. I carried her as fast as possible in the infirmary and laid on the nearest bed screaming for help

How could I be so stupid? How could I not notice before? She was so pale I thought she was dying. But what if she is? What if her heart can't take it anymore? I can't live without her, I just can't

I sat next to her, kissing her hand waiting for her to open her eyes and smile at me, that smile that made me fall in love with her the first time I saw it. Yes I love her. I Luke castellan love y/n y/s, and I have to tell her

Meanwhile some machines were attacked to her, for her heartbeat and pression. The levels were so low. I am really scared. I started to cry, holding her hand in mine

"Please y/n wake up, I love you!"

"You love me?"

I heard a weak voice from the bed. I immediately shot up and went next to her, carassing her sweated forehead but I couldn't care any less. The physical part was the last part I cared about, I cared about her

"How are you feeling?"

I asked preoccupied

"Like shit"

I chuckled at her response. She always found a way to make me laugh even in the hardest of times

"You scared me"

"That's what I wanted to avoid"

"This is why you didn't tell me?"

She slowly nodded. She stayed quite for not making me preoccupied. She suffered in silince for me, I didn't deserve her

"Darling, don't ever do this again please. Eat again. Drink again. Well do that together I promise, if ypu have to cry that's fine, if you have to scream do it, but don't stop nurishing yourself, you deserve it, trust me"

She smiled at me and tryied to stand up but I quickly blocked her, she was too weak

"I can try"

She said defeated. I'll do everything in my power to help her get out of this shit, she doesn't deserve the pain, she is the purest little thing I've ever laid my eyes on

"When you are dismissed we are going straight to the kitchens and I'll cook you-"

"Luke don't"

I looked at her confused. Wasn't she willing to eat? Did I say something wrong? What could possibly-

"You are a terrible cooker I am sorry I have to tell you this"

She said scared for my reaction. I looked at her and then bursted out laughing. I always thought she was faking it. She laughed as well

"Don't worry, we'll eat something already cooked"


She said sweetly holding my hand. Then will came in and told me to get out that he needed to do some exams. I protested but eventually I got out

"Hey Luke!"

I spun around as quickly as possible

"I love you too"

My checks went red, she loved me. I smiled there like an idiot

"I love you more y/s"


"We'll see"

Hiii, would you like a part two to this one? Like when they eat together? Let me know

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