A special quest pt 2

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*time skips*

Luke's PoV

I was in front of New York's high school for disturbed children. I was surprise she was in high school, usually demigods come to camp around twelve, and if you are a forbidden child even sooner

It was now 7.45 am, school was about to start. I was hidden behind a tree which I was surprised to have found since New York (except for Central Park) is not known to be green or something

I actually didn't know who she was so I was a bit preoccupied I couldn't find her, Chiron gave me a few head cons about her: not too tall not too short, red hair, green eyes, freackles, and she usually came to school with a skateboard

I decided that I would "spy" on her until something big would happen, just to be sure it was her, that is way I was hiding before her school. I had on my radar eyes, searching for a red head on a skateboard

And there a girl came, exactly as Chiron described me. She was quite beautiful and she was probably a few years younger than me. She had a cigarette in her mouth and she was skating towards the entrance

I looked carefully at her every movement. It was like- I don't know I felt a connection to her, like I couldn't take my eyes off her. I noticed my mouth was wide open so I proceeded to close it as fast as possible. I sounded so much like a creep

The girl, Astrid, took the skateboard in her hands and proceeded to get inside the school, not before being yelled to throw away the cigarette by one of the professor.

I put on Annabeth 's Yankee cap and went inside the school. If things must be down might as well do them good. I felt stupid for hiding behind a tree the whole time while I had a cap that made me invisible, I could of have gotten a lot closer sooner, but anyway I am not an Athena's child so I am excused

I made my way inside the school and I spotted the girl entering a class, I followed suit. She sat down at the back of the class. Headphones in her ears. Everyone was looking at her, especially a guy and that made me jealous

Luke she is not yours, you can't be jealous. But then I thought how it would be like if she was actually mine. And my head started to wander off as I started to daydream until I noticed she was speaking

"What's the problem Hall?"

She said speaking to the guy who was staring at her. Her voice was soft but yet so determined and she sure as hell had an attitude. She was looking at the guy while he made his way thowarfs her, making her shift in her seat

Uncomfortable was written all over her face

"Just one date black, that's all I ask"

No wonder ah head lots of guys around her. This made me doubt. How could she even look at me, I was one on 7 billion people. How was I supposed to get closer to her?

"I already told you a million times, the answer is still no"


"Because you are a wannabe bully who pretends to be better than anyone else, because you use girls as if they are objects, because you are a dick and it makes me sick to the core to even breath the same air as you. Exhausting enough?"

She said rolling her eyes. Yep she did indeed had an attitude. The professor then came in and I positioned my self in the corner of the room, observing her and ready to see if something happened

I was actually quite surprised to see that in all the subjects she was quite good, even though she wasn't listening she was able to answer all the questions that were asked, in a test she also took A-. Not normal for a demigod, this made me thing it was not her and a flow of sadness rushed through me

Eventually the school day came to an end and she took her skateboard and I followed her running. Not a good idea but I had to arrange myself. Even though I had doubts something told me it was her at end, she was the forbidden child.

I followed her to a big old house where the was the sign that said "new York's orphanage". Yep it was her, I felt relived. She made her way inside and I heard high peach screams, I made my way inside scared for her (I was still wearing the cap)

I saw her in the middle of the room, before a ramp of stairs. She was holding her check and a grown woman was looking at her with full hatred in her eyes. But Astrid didn't miss a beat. She stood her ground, looked at the old lady and pushed her shoulder past her, making her way upstairs

I decided to follow her inside a room, there was another guy who she greeted with a big hug. This was not a kind of hug that made me jealous because the guy was way older and I might think he is her brother. Well not her real brother but still

"Hey Tommy"

She said

"Hey sissy, how was school?"

He said hugging her back, she then proceeded to tell him everything. I was awestruck by her, by her body language, by the way she was speaking by everything. Literally

I started to believe the oracle

After a while the climbed her way out of the window. Now this is a stupid idea for a forbidden child to get out when it's dark, with all the monsters she attracts. But still she didn't know a thing.

I followed her in an alley. But then I stopped. Something was wrong. There was growling. She also heard it so she turned around as slowly as possible. Fear all over her face. And there it stood. A fury

She didn't think twice about running away. Smart move. I decided to intervene but I was too slow. The fury attacked Astrid making her slam against the wall, she immediately got up and dodged the fury's wig

"No way bitch"

She said taking in her hands a piece of wood and slamming it into the fury's head. She was brave. This didn't nothing to the fury, it only made her more angry. She dodged all the others shots but she was growing tired

I took my sword out and aimed to the fury's chest who eventually dissolved. And there I stood, I front of Astrid. I looked at her and offered her a hand but she rejected it


"Hey, you are safe now but you must follow me"

I tried to say as gently as possible but she was in shock. She looked around frenetically

"I am Luke, I know it's crazy but it was real. For your own safety you must follow me now"

"What the fuck was that?"

She screamed, hands going everywhere. I came closer. She didn't move. Good. I got closer and closer until I held her in my arms. That was a brave move but I felt it was right. I sushed her down and he actually hugged me back crying

"That was a fury, you are in danger"

"Gee thanks"

She said and I smiled. I loved the girl's sarcasm. I then proceeded to tell her everything and she actually told me that it already happened but she just thought she was crazy. I convinced her to leave but not before telling her brother Thomas what was going to happen

And I remembered chiron's words. The borother knew about Astrid's origins. He might actually help us to get her to camp safely. We made our way to the orphanage and went inside her room, straight to Thomas

Here is part two! First interaction between Luke and Astrid! I think I'll go on with another chapter or maybe two. If you have any idea for this story, something you'd like to read, write it down!

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