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Disclaimer: y/n is called Grace, she is a daughter of Zeus and she is Luke's girlfriend

Luke's PoV
I was in my bed, the idea of sleeping got me sick to the bone. I've been having the same nightmare for the past 3 days, and it was alla about the same thing: Grace's death

Every night it got worst and worst and more vivid and it just seemed so real that I was scared that at my awakening she might not be there anymore.

I've never told her that, she saw something was bothering me but I've always told her it was nothing. She didn't believe me of course but she respected my position in not telling her what was bothering me. Even though I knew it was hurting her

I tried not to sleep but eventually I did it. And here we go again...

"Grace! Where are you?"

I screamed as rain ran through my body, I didn't see her, I didn't even knew if she was really there it was just a gut feeling


I heard a soft voice behind me. I turned around as fast as I could and there she stood in all her beauty. But it wasn't her usual beauty, it was a deadly beauty: she looked pale, bags under her eyes and there was blood on her stomach which she was covering with her hands also stained in blood

"Grace, darling, your stomach"

I tried to say as fear ran through my spine. I couldn't loose her

"It's okay "

She simply said. But as she did so her knees fall to the ground and I ran in time to catch her in my arms. I was strocking her wet hair out of her face as tears started to fall on my checks

"Don't cry, I hate to see you cry"

She said as she tried to bring her hand to my check to wipe out some tears but she was too weak to do so, instead I took her hand in mine

"What happened to you"


"What do you mean love?"

"You did this, but it's okay, I am not mad I love you"

She said starting to black out. I stated to scream to her to stay awake but she couldn't, she was already on the other side. And there I stood, alone with the corpse of the person I loved the most in my arms. And it was all my fault


I screamed sitting up. Some kids shushed me down but I couldn't care any less. I had to make sure she was still alive, that she was safe

I put on my black vans, a black hoodie and I made my way out of the Hermes cabin and I went to the Zeus one. I opened the door as slowly as I could and I searched for her bed

I saw her, the blankets were all the way up to her chin, covering her completely. I smiled at my self at her sight. She was safe. I made my way to her bed and sat down at the edge of it. I rested my forearms on my knees and I held my chin with my hands

I was staring at her. Tears were streaming down my face but I couldn't care any less. I knew it was just a nightmare, but sometimes dreams can become true, and I can't lose her, I couldn't live without her.

I felt she was shifting until she opened slowly her eyes meeting mines. I smiled at her confused face. She slowly sat up

"Hey Luke, you scared me"

She said now completely sitting up, back on the head of the big bed. I smiled at her shacking my head

"I am sorry, go back to sleep, I just need a minute"

I said trying to reassure her but I knew, that even if it was dark she could sense something was wrong. She got out of the blankets and made my way to sit next to me. I sat still, wanting to feel her touch

"Hey, why are you crying? What is bothering you Luke? Please tell me, it's killing me to see you like this"

I took her hands in mine and brought them to my lips, I placed soft kisses on their back. How could I be so lucky you have her by my side? I just love her so much , she means the world to me

"I just... I had a nightmare "

I said giving up, she had the right to know

"Okay... what was it about?"

She said carefully. I took a dead breath and started to tell her everything

"It was you, but you were dying. Acutually you were dead and-"

I stopped as a sob escaped my mouth, I covered my face with my hands. I was a crying mess but I didn't care to look vulnerable around her, she was my safe place. She didn't say anything, instead she leaned on my shoulders, hugging me and placing kisses on my right shoulder

"And it was me, I killed you!"

I finally managed to say

"But it's not real babe, I am here and I always will"

She said caressing my back. I was finally facing her, she was smiling softly at me, that damn smile that made me go weak to my knees. I just buried my face in the crock oh her neck while she was trying to reassure me that she was safe

And she actually succeeded. I felt better just by being in her presence. She then separated from me making me frown. I needed her touch. But she quickly reassured me by saying

"Come here, sleep with me tonight, and if you'll have another bad dream I'll be right there. Deal?"

She said getting under the blankets, I smiled at her


I said making my way under the blankets as well. My front was facing the ceiling while she put her head on my chest and hugged my waist. I also hugged her placing a soft kiss on her head

"I love you so much you have no idea"

I told her as I held her tightly

"I know you do, but I love you more and there is no debate about it"

She said looking up at me, I looked down at her and our gaze met. I was awestruck

"It's impossible"

"Try me"

She said with a small smirk. I did it as well

"Trust me, you could never love me as much as I love you"

I said kissing her. Once we parted she rested her head on my chest and I slowly closed my eyes, ready to get through this night with the love of my life next to me

"Whatever makes you sleep at night"

She said and I smiled at myself

"Goodnight pretty boy"

"Goodnight love"

Okayyy soo I love making Luke's PoV cause it's like a different side of the thing. I really love this chapter but I don't think there is a part two. I am now working on the part to of other chapters but that is a surprise for now enjoy this! Requests are always open

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