The new demigod pt 2

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Part 2 here we come

Y/n' PoV
After I've been medicated and all Luke took my hand and literally dragged me out of the infirmary, he was so excited to show me around camp

"Chill out there Luke!"

I said in between laughs. He turned around to look at me mumbling a sorry as I just laughed even more. I noticed a smile on his face, he had such a pretty smile, the kind of one that makes you feel safe and comfortable

He explained to me that I was going to be in the Hermes cabin until I will be claimed and until then we would look for something I was good at

First thing first was archery. There was a kind that was throwing arrows, he was pretty good but a bit full of himself, Luke told me he was an ares kid and he was standing next to me

The boy then turned towards me

"New meat uh?"

Excuse me? Luke put himself in front of me

"Don't mess with her dude, I am suggesting you this"

The boy the proceeded to shot an arrow to the target putting it right in the middle. Nice shot I have to give him that

"And this is why women shouldn't do archery"

He said turning towards me with a smirk. How much I wanted to punch that smirk how out of his face, but I did something different. I took and arrow and a bow and shot the arrow which divided in two the boy's arrow. Perfect shot

" and this is why men shouldn't even talk"

I said placing back down the weapon. Luke just smirked while the boy stood there with his mouth wide open. I stated to walk away but Luke was still admiring the arrow

"You coming or what?"

I called him back to reality, even though I didn't really know where I was going. He whole his head laughing and run towards me

"Your good at archery, like really good, you might be Apollo's daughter"

He said trying to reason. Next thing was sword fighting and I was up against Luke who apparently turned out to be the best sword man in the whole camp.

I did pretty good there as well, I even managed to disarm him a couple of times. I was now gelding my sword at his throat and he put his hands up in surrender smirking down at me, looking at me in a strange way, somewhat adoring

"Will you stop looking at me with those eyes"

I said putting my sword down smirking as well, he got closer to me. Dangerously closer

"What eyes?"

He said, he was now some inches away from him and I took the chance to put the sword to his throat again. He just laughed

"With the eyes of the so called best sword man of camp"

I said proudly.

"Okay okay, you are good at archery, you are good at sword fighting. I just wonder if you'll be good at canoeing too"

He said taking a few steps away from me, gesturing me to follow him to what I guessed where the canoes where held.

We were talking on our way there and we started to get to know each other pretty well. He is actually a really nice guy and I'd like to get to know him better during my period at camp

As we were walking we heard some screams coming from the bushes, we immediately run towards them just to see a girl holding kicking a boy to the ground and all her friends chanting her

"Clarisse stop"

Said Luke getting in front of the girl that the name was clarisse. I helped the boy stand back up, he quickly run away

"What is your problem?"

I asked angrily at clarisse. If there was a thing I hated were bullies. And she was one. She looked at me smirking

"You must be the new girl am I right?"

"She is and back away"

Said Luke, I like his protective side but I could stand my ground n my own

"You know, there are stories about you lightening to fire a monster is that right?"

She said coming closer. I simply nodded

"I'll bet, if you really are the daughter of one of the big three you must be ready for this"

She said throwing at me an electric lance then I really didn't know what happened but I dodged it easily. A crowd was forming around us. I was furious. She came at me but before she could lay a hand on me a lighting erupted from the sky and fall right in between us

She backed away sacred. My eyes went glowing white and I noticed everyone kneeling before me. I searched Luke and he was also kneeling. A big smirk on his face

I looked over my head and there was a lightening

"Hail y/n y/s, daughter of Zeus"

The. It clicked . My father is Zeus.

*time skips*

After I have been claimed I gained the respect of the whole camp and me and Luke got closer and closer each day goes by and I was starting to get feelings

I had to tell him that so I was now waiting for him for our daily walk through the woods.

"Hello beautiful how are you?"

He said giving me a peck on my check making me go red

"Good, what about you golden boy?"

"Now better. Actually I have to tell you something"

"Me also"

"You go first"

"No you go you dork "

We debated for a bit and then we decided to go together at the count of three




"I think I like you"

We both said together. A "really?" Escaped both our mouths and then we started laughing but then we started into each other eyes as we got closer and closer

We were only inches away and I was just thinking about how his lips would taste on mine

"Can I kiss you y/n?"

He asked, eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips. I didn't give him an answer, instead I stood up and kissed him

This was only the start of our relationship, a loving one, a caring one. Protecting each other always. He as my safe place and I was his. We loved each other and I couldn't be happier. My life finally had a reason why, and that reason was Luke Castellan

Here is part two! Hope you enjoyed

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