If you lost your way

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Song recommended: leave a light on

Story headcon: Sara is Zeus's daughter and Luke's girlfriend, well... she was until he joined hades. Don't get yourself fooled, hades is no good, even if he is a god. He wants to get back to his brother Zeus. And what better way to do so if not with Sara? She was devastated when Luke joined him. But still, they held strong feelings for each other

Luke's PoV

It's been a year, a year since I revealed my true self and left Sara. I hated my self, I hated that I left the only person that I've ever loved, truly. I was an egoist. And I couldn't deal with that

"What's our next move my lord?"

I asked hades as he sat on his throne, facing me. I didn't want to be on his side, not anymore, but I knew I couldn't just go back to camp half blood like nothing ever happened

"Our next move, is a brave move"

"What is it?"

"We are going to strike at Zeus"


He looked at me pissed off, sure I wanted to know but leaking too much information was still dangerous to him. He couldn't trust me with all his heart, if he had one. And honestly I couldn't trust myself either

"We are going to hurt him, taking away the thing he loves most. Killing it"

"But we can't kill a weapon, and I've already stolen the master bolt, but how can we kill it?"

I asked genuinely confused. How can you kill a weapon? He looked ever more pissed off, maybe more annoyed to be honest

"Not his weapon silly boy, but Sara, his daughter. And I know you kind of had a teenage crap love story with her"

He said rolling his eyes. I started to panic. I couldn't live in a world without her, even if we were distant. I started to rumble out a series of excuses or better ways to get back at Zeus but he just sushed me down getting angry

"Sush boy!"

"I am sorry my lord, but I know for a fact that Sara is really clever and really strong, we... you can't just kill her off that easily "

"That's where you come to my use"

I looked at him confused. Even if he wanted to make up this plan using me was a bad idea, she would never talk to me. But I held hope, maybe with this way he might not succeed and she will continue on living, even without me

"I can't follow you my lord"

"That's good"

And then I blacked out. And then I realized. He was taking me as an hostage. He was going to use me in the hope she would so up to save me. But I rather die than giving this fate to her. I held hope she would not show up to the underworld to save me, I didn't deserve it

Sara's PoV

"I have to go!"

"No you can't!"

Screamed Percy, we were now fighting about the message we got from hades. He held Luke as an hostage and was threatening to kill him

Now with everything he has done to us you might expect that I hated him. But I don't, I still love him, madly, and everyday I held the hope that he would show up to the camp, ready to start again

Now he was risking to die, and I couldn't take that risk. I had to do what hades said, which was going to the underworld and giving myself in, I must surrender, but I was ready for it. Anything for him

"Sara, this is really risky, there is no way you will get out of this one"

"I will and I'll bring Luke back as well"

"You still have hope? It's time to move on, he doesn't care about us, he never did. You can't risk your life for him"

I rolled my eyes and decided to start this journey to LA alone, I had to do this. No one could stop me, they knew I was too stubborn. I said my goodbyes with a lot of tears. I said goodbye to Percy, to Annabeth, to Grover, they were my family

I said goodbye to will, who saved my life multiple times. I said my goodbyes to Chiron who led me to this place. I thanked them all and I turned on my heels and started to walk off. I was ready to die if it meant to get Luke back

*time skips*

I made my way to LA. I was holding the pass to the underworld that Chiron gave me, I took a deep breath and looked at the sky. It was lightening, I smiled

"Help me father to get him back, be gentle with him if I'll no longer be there"

And I made my way to the underworld. I was ready

Part one of this two chapters story! This is kind of a dream I had and I wanted to bring it to you since I liked it a lot! Let me know what you think! Also sorry if I am not really present but I have a lot of school homework that I don't know even my own name ahhaha

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