A special quest pt 3

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Luke's pov
I was wearing my hat as we entered the orphanage so I wouldn't be seen by the big boss ma'am that stood by the entrance. She blocked Astrid

"Where were you? And were do you think you are going running like this! You make me so disappointed young lady"

She was about to hit Astrid but she pushed right trough her and run up the stairs. I smirked at the skilled girl, no wonder she survived all these years. We finally got to her room and I took off my hat


She yelled at the boy who was at the desk trying to write something down but I didn't know what and I couldn't care any less

"As- who is he?"

"He is Luke, he found me"

"What do you mean he found you?"

"You won't believe this- basically..."

She started to ramble everything out, she was a nervous wreck I could tell. I wanted to comfort her somehow but I think it could be seen as inappropriate by Thomas so I cut her in looking at the brother

"I am Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. She needs to come at camp half blood"

I said seriously trying to stand my ground but the older boy was quit intimidating. He looked me in the eyes and then back at Astrid, he stood up, packing up a back pack

"I should have have seen it coming, did they attack you? Mom knew this would come sooner or later..."

He said as if he was talking to himself. So he knew I was right. Astrid looked confused and a bit pissed by the fact that she was the one that knew less than everyone else

"So you knew?"

Her mouth was wide open and she looked at her brother is disabielf. Thomas turned to her and made her sat down, he knelt in front of her and I decided to not interfere in the quit intimate moment of what was a great confession

I decided to focus on the book on the shelf, noticing works like the Iliad and all that mythological stuff. But eventually I found my self ears dropping their conversation

"Look Asy, I am not your real brother. At least, I am your brother by soul but not by blood. I was born by another father. Mom later on had an affair with a guy, but this guy is not a normal guy, he is a god. Is name is Zeus and you are his daughter. Now I know this might sound strange but you have to believe me, you have to go with Luke, you'll be safer, you are in danger here"

And they went on for a bit but then I hurried them up to go to the car since I heard some strange noises coming from outside

We all got into the car. I pulled Astrid behind with me to protect her. She gave me a strange look and mouthed a why

"Just trust me"

It was my job to get her to camp safe, and I was going to complete it. Also I really didn't mind her company at all. Thomas got into the car and we heard the lady yelling at us to get back inside. Astrid turned around and gave her the middle finger making me chuckle

"What? I might not see her anymore I didn't want to miss the chance"

She defended herself making us both smile. The boy turned on the engine and I told him the directions to where he was supposed to go

It was quite a safe ride until we got to the hill. A Minotaur was behind us, I hurried Thomas up and he pressed charge on the pedal. I pulled Astrid closer as she noticed the monster behind us

"Thomas hurry your ass up!"

"What do you think I am doing?"

"Just do it!"

"I am!"

Typical siblings fight. I them with my fellow Hermes cabins friends but it wasn't the same. There was a strong connection between the two of them, something that I almost invide

The monster put is horns in the back of the car making us all scream.

"Tom turn all the way to the left!"

"Are you crazy?!"

"Trust me"

He did as Astrid said and we turned left, I had to hold into Astrid to not make her collapse into the car door but in a quick movement she opened it up making it smash into the Minotaur's face and it actually gave us some time

I was impressed by the girl before me

"I saw it into the movies and I've always wanted to do it, now I wasn't expecting to do it in this situation but wathever"

She rumbled and I just shook my head laughing but then remembered the situation we were in. Yes, Astrid's move bought us some time but eventually the monster caught up making the car go south, making it turn and turn until we were upside down

I looked at the girl afraid she might have gotten injured and she was passed out with blood coming out of her head. I shook her trying to wake her up and I succeeded. The three of us managed to climb out the car and started running up the hill

I took Astrid's hand in mine, not wanting to let it go. I needed her to be safe. We made it on top of the hill and I saw the camp. But Thomas was stopped by the barrier, the Minotaur coming for him

I tried to pull the girl with me but she pushed back running  to her brother trying to get him in, but it was useless

"Tommy come in, please!"

She was crying out as her brother just smiled at her, knowing what his fate will be. He pulled her in and hugged the girl who was now sobbing, realizing what was gonna happen

"Take care of her for me, will you"

He said looking at me pushing the girl back inside. I nodded my head taking Astrid in my arms, she was strong and it was hard to not let her get out of my grip

"I swear it on my own life"

Thomas flashed one last smile at us before the Minotaur caught him in his grip, reducing him into ashes. Astrid fall down and I hugged her, she was screaming, crying and kicking trying to get out of my grip

Then a flush of electricity made me separate from her, I tried to get her back intime but she was running outside, going for the monster. I was running behind her but it started to thunder and lighting

The monster saw the helpless girl all alone and went for her, but something stopped him. A lighting stopped him. And it came out from Astrid's hands. He was dead

She fall to the ground, passed out. I run towards her taking her in my arms bridal style and brought her to the infirmary. I placed her on the bed and caressed her cheek softly.

She looked so peaceful even though what just happened. I sat in the chair next to the bed and took her hand in mine

"I'll stick by your side Astrid, you won't have to do this alone I promise "

Here is part 3! It's missing just part 4 which is gonna be about Astrid awakening and her first period at camp and maybe a bit of time skip to her and Luke's relationship. Tell me what you think!

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