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Luke's PoV
I am annoyed, pissed off and angry all at the same time. Why you may ask. And I may answer you. My lovely girlfriend has become quite close with Nico Di Angelo in the last few weeks

Now let's make it clear: I know there are no feelings on her side and that she loves me and that she is loyal. The problem was Nico. He couldn't care any less about me, it was like he wanted to annoy me or something

Every time I tried to confront y/n about this she would just say that I was talking nonsense and that it wasn't like that and that they were just friends. I think she has something over her eyes that don't make her see the fact that nico is trying to steal her away from me

I came up with a plan anyways. I'll pay it with the same cash. I will make her see how it feels to be left out in your own relationship and this plan will be applied today

What is it? I'll just stick around Piper (Aphrodite's daughter) during the bonfire. Now let me tell you this: I am not so fond of this plan for various reasons: first of all I don't want to hurt y/n's feelings and second of all piper is really annoying

But anyways this was the plan. Hope it works and I will have my beautiful girl back without nicasshole

*at the bonfire*

Everyone was dancing and laughing and I was ready to put in action my plan. I slowly made my way to piper, searching around to see if y/n was there, and she was, standing next to Nico laughing at some shit. This made my blood boil

"Hey piper, wanna dance?"

The girl turned to look at me smiling brightly and gesturing her friends to shut up. I rolled my eyes internally at her body language, she was definitely trying to seduce me

"Take me on the dance floor Castellan"

She said extending her hand for me to take. I faked a smile and took her hand and brought her to the dance floor and we started dancing

Y/n's PoV
I was talking to Nico about something so superficial, I have  strong connection to him but without feelings trust me. All my love goes to Luke and Luke only.

But my heart dropped at the sight of my boyfriend dancing around the fire with Piper. What was he thinking? Does he not like me anymore? Did I do something wrong?

Now normally I would walk up to him and reason with him but something held me back and I just looked down

"Hey what's wrong?"

Nico asked. I shacked my head to make him understand to let it go but eventually he caught a sight of Luke and he did two plus two. He turned to look at me

"Hey wanna do something that will make him go mad?"

I shacked my head no, but I couldn't really process anything that I was held by Nico's hands on my waist so tight that I couldn't move. I tried to free myself but he was too strong

"Nico let me go"

I said but he only came closer and closer until there was no more space between us as he kissed me. I squished my eyes closed hoping this moment would just vanish. Hearts started to stream down my checks. Please gods help me

And then something happened. I opened my eyes and Nico was on the floor with his nose bleeding. Luke on top of him, hitting him costantly. I ran towards them trying to separate the two and when I managed to do so Luke looked at me and stormed off into the woods

"Now where is he going?"

I heard piper saying. I shot the girl a deadly stare and started running to where Luke stormed off.


"Just leave me alone y/n, Di Angelo is waiting for you"

And then it clicked to me. He was jealous. I face palmed myself. How could I be so stupid and not notice? I eventually caught up with him and took his hand in mine

"Don't you understand Luke? You are the only one for me"

I said as we stopped. He slowly turned to look at me. I was somewhat intimidated but I liked this feeling. With a smooth movement he pinned me to the closest tree and started kissing me hard and roughly like he has never done before

I closed my eyes at the feeling. I couldn't sense all his anger in the kiss. But I also felt love. He then separated from me and looked me straight in the eyes

"Say that again"

He said in a threatening way. I swallowed hard, I like this side of him that I've never seen

"Say what again?"

I teased him, knowing full well that it was only gonna make him piss off even more but I wanted to play, and I was here for that

"That you are mine"

He said before kissing me hard again. In between kisses he said something that I could easily understand

"You- are- mine- and - no- one- else's"

He said and then looked me once again in the eyes gesturing me to repeat what he just said

"I am your and no one else's "

He smirked to him self and went back to kiss me again, he slowly made his way to my neck and left a mark there. I closed the eyes at the feeling of pain but it was also joy

"Now everyone knows you are my property"

He said taking a few steps back admiring his work

"Do I have got make you jealous every time for bringing out this side of you?"

I asked with a teasing smirk. He came closer and put a hand behind my neck and kissed me again. This time it was amore passionate and loving. Once we parted away we rested our foreheads against each other

"Don't you ever do that to me again ok"

"I am sorry babe, I didn't notice"

"I know you didn't, your too kind to see over your nose"

He said and I smacked his arm. He laughed gently

"That was supposed to be a compliment"

He said giving me a quick peck on the lips. I then proceeded to take his hand to walk a nigh further away knowing far too well that if we got back to the bonfire it would just be a mess

We went to my cabin where no one else was there. We got under the blankets and cuddled all night long, telling each other how much we loved each other

Luke castellan, I'll always be yours

Hey so this was a request from @1hotchocolate1 hope you liked it I tried my best. Requests are open guys!!

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