Touch her again, and i'll kill you

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Y/n's PoV
I was at the table eating launch with my brothers and sisters. We just had canoeing and it was really fun, it's always fun with them. I was looking around to catch a glimpse of Luke, my boyfriend. But nothing

Everything was going well until I started to feel sick, like really sick. I started to caugh and that caught the attention of my friends

"Y/n, you good?"

I nodded between my sickness, until I noticed something was wrong. I was coughing blood. I stood up but everything started to feel dizzy, until everything was black and I was on the ground

Luke's PoV

"Luke! Luke!"

I was laughing with Chris, on my way to the eating table. This morning as been quite exhausting and I couldn't wait anymore to see y/n. But annabeth's voice blocked me


I asked turning around

"It's y/n, someone poisoned her food! She is in the infirmary"

Before I could think my legs started running towards the infirmary. What did she mean by "someone poisoned her food"? I swear today I am gonna kill somebody

"Where is she?"

I asked, well almost yelled. At will at the entrance of the infirmary. He tried to calm me down but eventually I caught a glimpse of y/n and I run towards her

She was so pale. She was still beautiful, but sick. I noticed her friends were around her and I asked for explanation. They told me everything while I sat down taking y/n's hand in mine and strocking the back of it gently

"Who did it?"

"Well, we have assumptions but-"

"Who did it?"

I said dead serious. But I heard shifting and my eyes went to the girl I loved. She opened her eyes slowly, I smiled at her and she smiled back

"Hey love, how are you feeling?"

"Like shit"

I cuchkled, she could never be serious. But I had to know who did this, I'll make them pay, I don't care for punshient as long as they'll get it as well

"Darling, you know who did this"

"I don't know"

"Tell me your assumptions "

I said turning towards her friends and I felt her squishing my hand , her usual way of telling me to stay calm. I squished it back but I sure as hell wasn't gonna stay calm

"Well, before canoeing she had a fight with George Bright, you know, Apollo's kid. And we know he holds grudge so..."

My eyes were blood red, my ears were boiling. I was furious. I could only picture myself on top of George Brught kcicking his teeth out one by one

I am not a violet type, but when it came to y/n I was ready to kill. She was mine, and she couldn't be touched in any way, and this time I am gonna make sure everybody knows that


I came back to reality as y'n's voice called me. She had this soft cute voice that made me go weak to my knees

"Yes love?"

"Don't do anything stupid okay? Just stay calm and don't get into trouble"

I was gonna say something but we heard someone screaming as they entered the infirmary, we all turned our heads to clarisse

"Where the fuck is Bright?"

She said and then came closer, I turned around to look at the/n. Gosh she looked so weak and I felt so helpless

"Hey girly, how are you?"

"Hey C, I am fine"

"Like hell you are, you almost chocked on your own blood y/n"

"She what?"

I said uelling. Y/n closed her eyes but she didn't opened them anymore. I started to panick and I went to her face, trying to wake her up but nothing. I called for will

"It's the antibiotic, it makes her pass out sometimes "

I relaxed giving her hand a soft kiss. Then the rage came back to me. I turned towards clarisse who was already looking at me

"Is she gonna be in safe hands?"

"Yes, now go and kick Bright's ass or else I'll do it myself"

She said coming closer to my girlfriend. I turned towards y/n, I kissed her forehead softly and whispered to her that would be back in a few seconds

Next thing I knew was that I was in the Apollo's cabin, on top of George Bright, punching his face repeatedly as blood was pouring out of his nose. He was pleading but I had no mercy

I stopped once Chris arrived and dragged me out of the cabin by force. I was crying by anger. I needed her, I needed y/n

Y/n's PoV

I woke up and looked around, my friends and clarisse were around me, they started to question how I was feeling but i only looked for Luke, but no sight of him

I noticed another person was entering the infirmary, it was George. Once he looked at me I gave him my middle finger. I heard clarisse smirking and then I realized what happened to him

Luke happened to him

I was about to ask clarisse where he came into in a rush and kissed me. I took a look of his hands, they were bruised and full of blood. I widened my eyes

"What part of don't do anything stupid you didn't catch?"

I said but as I did so I started coughing. He helped me sat up so it would be easier to breath. He stroked my back and took me in his arms

"I am sorry, you know how crazy I go when's something happens to you. I love you"

I smiled at him and took his hands in mine. I took a live of sheet and cleaned his hands

"I love you too, but I didn't want you to get into trouble"

" don't worry about me darling, just thing about getting better, will you keep this promise?"

He sai caressing my check softly. I leaned in his touch nodding softly. He then kissed me and after a few seconds he got up and started to walk towards George

I was looking at his every movement holding my breath afraid he might do something stupid again. Instead he just took him by his collar and brought him next to my bed

"Someone has an apology to do"

He said smacking his back making him grunt

"I am sorry y/n"

"No problem, let him go Luke please"

He then went closer to his ear and whispered loud enough for us to hear

"Touch her again and I'll kill you"

I rolled my eyes but internally I was exploding,l like he looked so hot doing all of it and I felt so lucky to have him

He then let him go and came closer to me again, taking his hand in mine

"Now, I am not leaving your side until you'll get better"

What a lucky girl that I am

Here is a little one shot to give you a break from "a special quest", also I really like this side more dominant of Luke. And y/n showed she can stand her ground but still. I love him

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