I could never hurt you

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Y/n's PoV
We were all at the bonfire and having a lot of fun, we were celebrating capture the flag which mine and Luke's team won. He is my boyfriend and he has been for almost a couple of years, we love each other, madly but some times there were a few arguments here and there but they never escalated too much

You have to know that Luke is a very jealous tipe, like for real. I can't even remember how many guys he sent to the infirmary after they were hitting on me, this was the cause of many of our arguments and tonight it was not difference

"Do you want to drink babe?"

"No love I am fine, do you?"

He asked me as we were dancing, I was hella thirsty since we have been dancing like crazy for about an hour and this girl needed her daily dose of drinking. I nodded my head a bit too desperately and he just laughed

"Alright, want me to come with you?"

"No don't worry I'll be right back"

I said pecking his lips and going to the table where all the drinks were set up. I was pouring some water in a glass, humming to the music softly as I didn't notice a presence next to me

"Hello cutie"

He said, I immediately recognised him. Simon Carenight, Aphrodite's son. I smiled at him politely while in my mind I was rolling my eyes. He kept on talking and I sighed

"Want to come to my cabin beautiful, we can have some fun"

I was irritated by now, I like it when Luke flirts with me, but only when it's Luke, usually I don't appreciate bold comments like this

"No, I am fine, my boyfriend is waiting"

"He doesn't need to know"

He said grabbing my arm, I was about to punch him in the face but I was proceeded by someone else. More likely Luke. He was on top of Simon and he was hitting him on repeat, I tried to separate the two but I didn't succeed

"Luke stop!"

I was crying by now, Simon was covered in blood just like Luke's hands. As he heard me crying he turned around looking at me, he softened at my sight but eventually he stormed off. I wiped away the tears and immediately run after him

I was calling is name but he kept on walking, so fast that I had to almost run to catch up with him.

"Luke please stop"

I said grabbing is shoulder but he shrugged it off and walked into our shared cabin. I was actually pretty pissed off at him, I didn't like him being this violent, also because I can protect myself. After all I am a demigod myself

I walked in our cabin and closed the door, he was running his hands through his hair

"What the fuck was that?"

"What do you mean? He was hitting on you!"

"And you didn't have to breathe him up! I can take care of myself"

"Yeah and it shows!"

Now we were a screaming mess, he was throwing his hands in the air as I run mine through my hair. This argument was not like the others, it was a full on fight. I was screaming at him about how cruel and protective he was while he was screaming at me for how much oblivious I was

"You can't keep this up!"

I yelled pointing a finger right in the middle of his chest. He looked at it, rage exploding as he took dangerous steps towards me making me back away until I it the wall

"Don't you point your finger at me"

He said rising his hand. I was scared. The first natural instinct that came to my mind was covering my face with my hands and closing my eyes, waiting for his hand to collapse with my face

But nothing

After what felt like an eternity I did felt something, but it was something gentle, he was caressing my cheek as I let out a shaky breath. I finally opened my eyes and I saw him standing infornt of me, tears in his eyes threatening to fall

"I could never hurt you"

He said has his voice broke, he eventually started to cry and apologise for screaming at me. He didn't dare to touch me seeing me in such a socking state. My breathing was heavy and I couldn't really understand what was happening

"Y/n please, I am so sorry, please forgive me"

I didn't dare to look at him. I took up my courage and made my way to leave. All the voices in my head were screaming me to stay, to go and hug him but I was really scared of him

"Please y/n, I need you"

I single tear fall from my eye as I slowly turned around to face him. He looked devastated and sincere. My voice was breaking and with each word I could see him breaking as well

"I can't do this anymore Luke! You can't keep being this jealous and beat people up, I was really scared you were going to hit me"

I said covering my face as I was crying. He immediately made his way towards me enveloping me in a hug. Stroking my hair softly, he was telling me how much he loved me

"I could never hurt you y/n, never I promise. I'll try to be better, I promise this too. I know I can, I won't go into fights anymore unless it's necessary. Please I love you"

I sighed at how sincere his words were. I closed my eyes and placed my head on his chest. The night eventually ended pretty well, from that moment he kept his promise and he never laid a finger on me. Everyday he reminded how he could never hurt me, and I knew he was telling the truth

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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