Anorexia pt 2

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Part 2 here we come

Y/n's PoV
After I finished all the tests had to do and my values got back to normal I got freed from the infirmary, I went to look for Luke only to find out he was asleep on the floor right outside of the infirmary

My heart melted. I knelt down next to him to wake him up then an idea came to my mind. I laid down next to him and peppered his face with lots of kisses. I felt him smiling

"Morning sunshine"

I told him smiling at him. He slowly opened his eyes to meet mines. I stroke a pice of hair out of my face and I smiled at the gesture. He caresses my check before a look of preoccupation crept in his eyes

"How are you feeling?"

"Good, just a little bit tired"

I told him honestly. He sighed looking at me.

"Do you want to try and eat something? I'll be by your side all the time"

My smile faded and he noticed. He sat up straight and gestured me to do the same. He pulled me in his arms and made me sit on his legs making me laugh since I looked like a baby

"Babe I am not taking a no as an answer"

He said seriously. I gave up smiling at him. He was so caring that I didn't deserve him. He was my golden boy

"Okay fine"

I said as fear creeped up to my spine. Did I really have to eat? I mean I could go on just fine, what's a little bit of hunger?

"Okay no more overthinking, let's take you to the kitchens "

He said grabbing me and standing up. I let out a squeal as he held me in his arms bridal style. I laughed at him and buried my face in the crock of his neck, whirl my hands went around his neck. I was walking so I took the chance to thank him

"You don't need to love, the only way you can thank me is to feel better. If you are good I am good. But you need to eat, you must understand that going on like this will just lead you to a dead end, and I couldn't deal with it"

He said looking down at me as a tear rolled down his check. I quickly wept it away giving him a kiss. I don't know how he could walk and kiss me at the same time but trust me this man is multitasking

"Here we are"

He said after a bit. I wanted to get down even though I liked being in his arms but he had other plans

"Can I get down now?"

"Nop, you are staying with me the whole time"

"Luke I can walk"

"You just need to sit, and I want to feel you, I still can't believe today I almost lost you"

I looked down, realising how much I've hurt him

"I am sorry"

He then sat down with me still in his arms. He frowned and held my face in his big hands. I could feel the metal of his ring on my check but it was pleasant

"Don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong. I should of have noticed and I could of have prevented what was coming. If there is someone who is sorry then it's me"

He said giving me a small peck on the lips.

"Luke you are the most amazing guy on this planet, you don't have to be sorry, I am just glad I have you by my side"

He smiled down at me and gave me a kiss on the head. He then took some strawberries that were on the table and I started to breath heavier knowing what was about to come

"You take one, I take one. If you have to scream, cry, burn the kitchen on fire, it's fine, do it and I will support you no matter what"

I looked at the strawberries and decided to take one. Luke did the same and counted to three and we both took a bite. Well, Luke ate it completely while I just took one small bite

I wanted to cry and scream but I had to be strong for him. I took another bite and finished the whole strawberry. A bad feeling crept in my stomach

"Luke I am scared"

I said in between tears. He just pulled me closer and sushed me down. Telling me how proud he was of me and how much he loved me. I finally calmed down

"You are so brave you have no idea"

"If I were brave I wouldt be crying over a stupid strawberry "

"But you did it, you ate it. You are so strong for this"

We spent the rest of the night talking and eating strawberries. Every bite I took became more easier and easier. When I had some break downs Luke was right beside me calming me down.

When I finished the whole basket of strawberries Luke suggested to sleep together to "prevent some nightmares" but I knew he just wanted fisica contact with me. Not that I mind at all

We went to my bed and I turned on one side, he spooned me. He liked to be the big spoon, he said he felt like he can protect me



He said, face buried in my hair

"You know I love you right, I meant it went I said it to you in the infirmary "

I turned around to face him. He knew had his eyes open and was looking adoringly at me. His arms crept around my waist while mine went around his neck

"And I meant it too, I've never said it to anybody but I do, I do love you. Like a lot. I can't imagine my life without you"

He said kissing me. Then we went back to our spooning position and eventually we both fall asleep. I really love how this bad story ended

Here is part 2! Hope you liked it. I really love to see Luke as the loving kind of guy but I would like to make some stories when he is more dominant. If you have any request write it down!

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