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Luke's PoV
"I am gonna take a shower Luke"

My eyes glimmered with mischief as I looked from the bed to the girl that was standing near the bathroom. I smirked at her

"Want me to join?"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes but still there was a playful smile on her lips that made my heart beat faster. She came closer to where I was laying and crunched down to meet my level. She softly kissed my head and I closed my eyes at the soft touch

As she separated herself from me I missed the feeling of her lips on my skin and I pouted looking at her

"You are such a dirty mind castellan, I'll be back soon"

She said making her way once again towards the bathroom taking on the way some fresh Clothes, between them there was also my shirt that on her looked extremely big but still she looked so cute. Also I loved it when she wore my stuff but anyways I pretended to be offended

"Hey that's my shirt!"

She turned around smirking

"I know"

She said winking and then getting into the bathroom. I smiled at myself at the mere thought of her. I groaned throwing my head on the pillow and taking another one to put on my face. This girl is gonna be end of me

After what felt like a good 15 minutes, which believe me it's actually less then what it usually takes her to take a shower, she got out of the bathroom, wearing my shirt, hair still wet. She looked around trying to look for something without succeeding

"Looking for something darling?"

"The hairdryer, do you know where it is?"

She said throwing her hands up in surrender. I chuckled at the gesture as I stood up making my way to the highest shelf in the room and took the hairdryer for her. She looked at me with a poker face

"Why was it up there?"

I shrugged, not really wanting to let her know that I put it up there on purpose knowing full well that she couldn't reach it

"How was I supposed to get up there?!"

"Accept that you are short"

"I am not short! I am differently tall, that's all, you are a giraffe anyways"

I pretended to be offended and as she went to take the hairdryer from my hands I placed it over her head. She looked annoyed as she tried to jump to take it


"Say you are sorry"

I said looking down at her fondly, she looked so cute when she was pissed off and I couldn't help but smile at her

"You said that I was short! It just backfired"

I put it even higher and she let out a breathless laugh. I made her a deal that I would give it to her if she would kiss me and she put her hands on the sides of my face and got closer, so close that I could feel her breath on lips

I didn't notice that I lowered my hand, but she did. She swiftly took the object out of my hand and run towards the bathroom. I rolled my eyes but run after her

"I want my kiss"

"You'll get it later"

She said smiling knowing full well how much I didn't like to be teased, but this was our way to interact with each other: annoying each other. I eventually gave in and offered her a help with drying her hair which she gladly accepted

We were goofing around, I even put the hot air on her face a couple of times and she closed her eyes laughing at the sudden touch of it. Anyways I managed to dry her hair

I took her hand in mine and moved towards the bed, I laid down and opened my arms for her to get in. She smiled but didn't wait too long before getting under the covers with me. My arm was around her tightly while the other was playing with her hair, in the meanwhile she placed her head on my chest and hugged me

We started talking about our day, I told her how sword fighting went, and I how I so humbly disarmed all of the other kids, she rolled her eyes at this. She then proceeded to tell me about her day with her fellow brothers and sisters

After she finished to speak I smiled at her, caressing her check softly. She leaned into the touch as she put her hand on my arm, strocking it  lightly. We started a staring contest, it was our usual, who would break the stare first would loose

It was not something planned, it was something that just happens and after a few times that it did we decided that the winner could choose what to do next. I obviously always won

She started to smile and there I knew I had the victory in my hands, usually when she starts to smile is because she is about to laugh and look away. And she exactly did that making me smile victorious

"Fine you win, what do you want to do?"


I said spinning her around, as she laid under me and I was on top of her. I smiled at her and got closer to her face as our lips finally connected. It was passionate yet so soft and gentle, it sent fireworks in my stomach

My lips started to trail down her jaw, then her neck and her collarbone as her hands found her way in my curls. I loved it when she played with them

"Luke, we shouldn't-"


I said as I was invested in what I was doing, she held her breath defeated but out moment was interrupted by a scream outside the cabin

"Luke! Clarisse is trying to kill Percy, come run!"

Y/n chuckled softly tugging at my hair, I looked up at her smiling.

"You should go before clarisse kills him"

"He is the son of Poseidon, he can take care of himself"

I said not wanting to leave her or get up at all. She looked at me with an "are you serious look" and I rolled my eyes getting out of bed and putting on a shirt as I mumbled greek curses under my breath

"You are so annoying"

"But you love me"

I turned around to face her and this it was my turn to go over to her and placing a kiss on her forehead

"I'll be back soon"

I said making my way out. I rolled my eyes as I took a look at clarisse and Percy screaming at each other

"Here we go again"

Luke castellan one shots Where stories live. Discover now