I am pregnant

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Y/n's PoV
I was sick, I kept on throwing up or else I would sleep. This didn't make me feel good, not only the whole sickness thing but also because I couldn't see my friends nor my boyfriend, Luke

I decided to go to the infirmary.

"Hi will"

"Hey y/n, what's up?"

"Pretty bad to be honest, I've been feeling sick all day long"


He said thinking. What did he have to think about? I was just sick so just give me a damn antibiotic. Sorry, I get really rude when stressed out

"Here take this"

He said handing me a plastic, I looked at it strangely. Was it like a thermometer or something? What was I supposed to do with it?

"What is this?"

"That's a pregnancy test"

What. The. Fuck.

Honestly what the fuck. I couldn't be pregnant right? I mean me and Luke always used protection and I was too young, well I mean I am 19 but still I was scared

I decided to not question but to just take the test. I was a nervous wreck as I waited for its result. We couldn't have a baby, what kind of live could we give to him? Escaping monsters, fighting, he deserves better

And also I was freacking out at the thought that Luke might get mad and abandon me or get scared off. I couldn't loose him. We've been togheter for a really long time and we've always thought about a future together, but wasn't it too soon?

My thoughts were interrupted by the result of the test. I hoped it would give back negative, but inside of me I wished it would be positive. And indeed it came back positive


I obviously fracked out, cried and all you know? What would you do if you find out you are pregnant at 19? Without any advertising, I mean I did have them from all the sickness but still you got my point

I did the best thing I could do. Avoid anyone and not talk to anyone for the rest of the day. Not even Luke, I couldn't really think of his reaction. Every time I saw him I would just look down and turn the other way

Luke's PoV
I was mortified. Why was she avoiding me? I've been trying all day long to get her near me but every time she would just spun on her heels. I couldn't stop thinking about her

I saw her walking next to a room and I took my chance. I run up to her and pushed as gently as I could inside the room and locked the door. I turned to look at her only to find out she was already looking at me. Fear all over her face

"Babe why are you avoiding me?"


She couldn't even speak that she started to sob and cry. I immediately rushed to her side and hugged her thigtly, trying to calm her down for whatever thing she was afraid from

"Hey hey, tell me what's wrong"

"I am scared"

"Of what darling?"

She only subbed even more and mumbled a "you". Why would she be afraid of me? Ah elbows I would never hurt her no matter what, never in a million years even if she wanted to kill me. I wouldn't do a thing to her

"Why? What did I do?"

She started to take big breaths, I guess she was ready to talk. She separated from me and put her hands on her face. I placed one hand on her back and the other on her knee, strocking it softly

"Okay I can do this"

"Of course you can, take your time"

"So I have to tell you something... where do I start?... better from the beginning... okay so I felt sick today so I went to will and he gave me.... He gave me a pregnancy test so I took it and-"

She stopped looking at my face. Fear all over it. It was like she was afraid for my reaction and it was a lot to process that I couldn't really say a lot


"And it can back positive"

"You're pregnant?"

I asked her looking down. She nodded picking up at her nails, something she usually does when she is nervous

"I am sorry Luke"

She said softly. I got up and turned around, back facing her. She is pregnant

"Is it mine?"

"Yes, I am so sorry I understand if you want to back out and-"

I immediately turned to look at her and I took her face in my hands. Tears running down my cheeks. I was going to be a dad

"Y/n are you crazy? I am going to be a dad. You could of have never told me anything that would have made me happier"

I said smiling at her. I've never felt this way. Ever. I was happy. No not happy, the happiest. I was going to have a baby with the love of my life

"Aren't you mad?"

I took her in my arms and spun her around laughing loudly making her laugh as well

"Mad? I've never been happier love. I am going to be a dad and you a mother! You are going to be such an amazing mom!"

She was crying as well, but from joy. I knelt down in front of her belly and started to talk to the baby

"Hey little one, I can't wait to meet you and please come out of this beautiful girl as soon as possible because I can't wait to meet you"

I kissed her belly and then stood up kissing her. I was gonna be a dad. I can't believe it. I've always dreamed this, I don't care if we are young, I can't wait for this new adventure

"I love you so much"

She smiled at me softly

"It's a him"


"The baby, it's a he"

"How do you know?"

"I just do"

A baby boy, I was going to have a baby boy. I could teach him everything I know and more. I could play with him. What if he will look like y/n? He would be so beautiful

"He will might have your big eyes y/n! Or maybe all your little freackles! Or even both and more"

She laughed softly kissing me. I was going to have a family with the love of my life and I couldn't be happier. Life really is unpredictable but beautiful

Here is the pregnant imagine! Hope you liked it! I was thinking about a couple of more imagines: one about him asking her to marry him and another one about cuddles. Also should I do a part 4 of the special quest? Let me know, requests are open!

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