Pov: you get claimed

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Disclaimer: this is an extended version of the "dating Luke" imagine was.

Y/n's PoV
"Luke stop being such a kid! Put me down!"

I yelled and laughed at the same time as the boy was spinning me around as I was resting on his shoulders. Now we weren't officially a couple but you could tell that there were feelings on each side

"No, you have to say you are sorry"

He said laughing as well as he took another spin around making me almost fall even though he had a strong grip on me

"Sorry for what exactly? For beating you at sword fighting? Not my problem if I am better than you"

I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. Today we had practice and I beaten him at sword fighting in front of everybody, he said he went easy on me but I don't believe him since he was taken aback by that

"That's a long way from "I am sorry""

He said pretending to make me fall but caught me at the last second making me yell. I gave up

"Okay I am sorry!"

"Now that's a good girl"

He said placing me back on the ground. I thanked him smacking his arm. He pretended to be offended and all but eventually he took me in his arms giving me a big hug

"I have lesson now"

"I know"

I answered him a bit sadly, I wish I could spend more time with him but he was a counseleur and had jobs to do around camp

"Can we meet up later please?"

"Of course no need to ask"

He smiled down at me giving me a quick peck on the cheek before running off in the other direction. I sighed as I was watching his figure fading away

I decided to go and do canoeing so I went by the lake but I was stopped by a group of boys all in a circle chanting to another boy to do something. Now I know I should mind my own business but I was curious

I made my way up to the front of the circle, nothing that they were all ares kids, I recognised them even if it's just been a week that I've been here at camp. And I still haven't been claimed by my father (I know it's a him because I had a mother)

I noticed there was this guy, Matt, in the middle of the circle kicking a 10 years old boy in the stomach. Time after time. I immediately stepped in between. If there is one thing I hate are bullies

"What the fuck is your problem Matt?"

I said helping the poor kid getting up, noticing he had a lot of bruises on his stomach. I was furious

"No need to get in between y/s, this is between me and this kid"

"What in the world makes you think you can be an asshole with other kids? Just because you are the son of the god of war doesn't mean you have to be mean or doing war at whoever steps in your path"

I spat down pushing him a bit. He breathed out a laugh

"This is where you draw the line y/s"

"As if"

I said and I noticed that a group of people started to watch the scene, ready for an epic battle or something. I could see from the corner of my eyes that there was also Luke watching, he was about to step in but he was held back by Chiron

Why would he do that? I know I can stand my ground but why would Chiron stop Luke for helping me? Shouldn't be no maiming and no killing? Because I am about to kill this motherfucker

I was boiling hot and I noticed that it started to thunder and to rain, everywhere but on me. I was dry while Matt was soaking wet, that didn't stop him to take out his sword and yelling a scream of war

I widened my eyes as he went for me but I quickly dodged his sword and I hit the back of his head with my elbow. This only made him angrier

"You shouldn't have done that "

He went for another shot but before he could think it a lightening came from above and it made his sword going to ashes. He screamed and I was like: chill drama queen and holy shit how did I do that?

Then everyone around us started to kneel down, even Matt and I was so confused. Should I kneel as well? Then I noticed a light above my head so I looked up and there was a bolt

"Hail y/n y/s, daughter of Zeus"

Then it made sense. My father is Zeus, he claimed me (took his time). My life now had more sense and the fact that Chiron stopped Luke also made sense, he knew this was coming

After what felt like an infinite time everyone got back to their things, Matt didn't even bother to look at me, he just walked past through me with his head hanging low

I looked around unsure of what to do when I felt two strong arms around me, I screamed but soon eneough I realised it was Luke

"You got claimed!"

He said excitedly, I laughed at his childishness, I turned around to look at him

"That was a surprise"

I said still in shock

"No, not for me. I mean, I've made some assumptions cause you were good in everything and now I got the certainty of it. Daughter of Zeus "

"I'll miss hanging out in cabin 11"

I said realising we won't be in the same cabin anymore. A small smirk crept his way to Luke 's lips as his arms went around my waist

"I could still come in yours, you know, we would have more privacy"

He said smirking. I rolled my eyes

"You have such a dirty mind you dork"

I said laughing, he joined me and then proceeded to take me to cabin 1, he helped me with everything and we spent the rest of the day talking and laughing on my bed

Now this I could get used to

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