I am pregrant pt 2

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Luke's PoV
It's been like eight months and a half since y/n has told me about the baby, and we grew even closer since then if that was even possible. I could not leave her side, not once. Belly talks were a routine at this point and I could picture all three of us being an happy family

My life was making more sense as time passed by and I loved y/n each day even more and I was ready to love the baby as well

The most magical moment of this pregnancy was when I heard his first kick. You can't believe what I've felt

"Luke babe come here!"

"What is darling? Is everything ok?"

"Yes! Come closer fa

I sat on the bed next to her confused. She took my hand in mine and put it on her stomach. I smiled at the feeling but then I smiled even more when I heard movement inside of it

"Is this him?"

She just nodded with the biggest smile ever, I imitated her and I moved my hand all around her stomach, tears were threatening to fall but I couldn't care any less. This was my baby, what me and the love of my life made

"This is amazing love, this is... oh my god"

I laughed and she joined me

It was all magical but still there was fear, fear that something would happen to her. What if the pregnancy goes wrong? In this period this thought has me drowning. I feared the delivery but yet I couldn't wait for it

It was so confusing

I was in the bed, waiting for y/n to get out of the bathroom. She was getting ready for the day while I just laid there, full immersed in my thoughts. Then I herd her


I shot up, running towards the bathroom. I opened the door only to find her standing up inforna of me. At first I was confused but then I looked down, there was water

"Oh shit y/n! Isn't it too early?"

It was early, babies should come around 9 months, not this soon. Something was wrong I started to panick. I kept on looking around trying to understand what to do. I've never been in a situation like this

Usually I would always know what to do but now, as fear, excitement and many other emotions filled me I just felt froze

"Luke call will!"

I snapped back to reality getting out of the bedroom desperately calling for will. I saw him coming running, understanding immediately what was happening, he came all prepared. Typical of will

I led him to our bed were y/n was laying. My heart dropped as I looked at her, she looked in so much pain, face scrunched up as it all it her. I rushed to her side, taking her hand in mine and kissing it. I was trying to calm her down and calm myself down as well

"Will why is she in so much pain? Isn't it too early?"

He came closer, setting everything up ready to deliver the baby. He looked at me biting his lips then back at y/n

"Babies can come early, it is normal that she is in pain. There will be lots of contractions and she-"

"Will fucking do something!"

Y/n screamed in pain. I caressed frenetically her face that was covered in sweat but I couldn't care any less. I wasn't leaving her side. But what made me more nervous was will's response. He sounded so underestimated of what he was saying

"Ok y/n, you need to push at the count of three, you ready? Okay, one t-"

"Fucking three"

She said pushing. It was the start of a painful morning. I kept on encouraging y/n and she would shot me deadly glares. I smiled at the girl next to me. She was doing so good but yet it was painful to see her in such a state

Then I heard it. Crying. I widened my eyes. I couldn't dare to look over. I kept staring at y/n who was panting heavily

"You guys, it's a boy!"

Will said in excitement. I slowly turned around and there he was. He looked so little and pure. I made my way to him and carefully took him in my hands. I couldn't speak. He had his eyes closed, a bit of hair on his head and y/n's freackles


I softly said to my baby, our baby.

"Y/n he has your freackles!"

I said in excitement and I turned my head to look at her since I didn't get an answer and as I laid my eyes on her I almost died on my spot

She was still laying there, pale, too pale. Eyes closed and mouth lightly parted. I looked at will who was already looking at y/n, panick was written all over his face

I started to freak out

"Will what is happening?"

"I don't understand, it all went well"

I started to scream at him rushing towards her as I placed the baby down. I took her face in my hands as I was calling her name out, trying to wake her up

"Will do something! She is not waking up!"

This made him wake up as he rushed towards us. He went to hear her pulse on both her wrist and her chest. He started to do the movement to reanimate who was dying

She was dying

I put my hands on my face turning around. I started to cry. I couldn't loose her. Not now, not now that everything was this perfect. Memories of us started to flash through my mind. Our first kiss, me asking her to be my girlfriend, her telling ne about the baby

I couldn't loose her


I turned around as fast as I could as I heard my name being called. Fearing it was will. But it wasn't, he was smiling down at my girl. She was there and she was alive. She looked sick but still so beautiful

I rushed to her and I kissed her but stopped as soon as I realized I was taking the air out of her lungs. We both laughed and I placed my head on hers thanking will. He saved her and I will forever be grateful to him

"Where is he?"

I then started to hear crying again and I run to take our baby boy. He looked so peaceful and yet so scared, he might have sensed what was happening around him

Y/n extended her arms towards him and I passed him to her gently. She smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the head. I was looking at the scene. This was my family, it it will be forever. I coudnt be happier

"Come here"

She said looking up at me, I got closer and hugged them both from behind. Everything felt so perfect and magical that the fear from a few moments prior immediately disappeared

"So, what's his name gonna be?"

I'm backkk! Here is part two! I am back yes and I also passed my driving test eheheh, so clear the streets you guys! I have in my mind so many imagines and be ready for a lot of fluff!

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