From enemies to lovers

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Y/n's PoV

Today was not a good day, first I woke up and felt tired all morning due to my nightmare, second I fall in the water during canoeing and third the one and only Luke Castellan made fun of me and forth of all we got into a fight and now we were in detention again

Now let me back up, me and Luke came to camp togheter along with Annabeth and Thalia. I am a daughter of Aphrodite but I've tested my self pretty well. We were friends, we were really close until...

Until I don't really know what happened, he just started to ignore me and make fun of me even before I got claimed. I've always had feeling for Luke but I had to stick up for myself and remark to his little annoys ass

I miss him, but if he is a dick to me I am gonna be a dick to him too. And now I found myself in detention with him, our duty was to cook dinner for everyone and I was waiting for him outside the kitchen and he was late

Really classy Castellan

Luke's PoV

I was on my way to go to the kitchen to spend my detention with y/n. I didn't mind at all to be honest. Even though I was awful to her and I hated myself for that, I just really like being around her since I have strong feelings for her

I should explain myself or maybe my behaviour. I've been attracted to her since I first laid eyes on her, but I fall when I saw her fight. You may think that an Aphrodite's daughter can only be beautiful but she is also brave and strong

But after we got to camp, after what happened to Thalia, I decided to shut my feelings for good. For her good. It may not makes sense to you but it does to me, if I was awful to her she would hate me, I couldn't let her get near me, what happened to Thalia was my fault and I was afraid something bad would happen to y/n too

But I felt bad, I hated myself, I picked at her to get her attention, to stay close to her in some way because after all, I was still in love with her. Also I liked her attitude when we fight

But today I wanted to make amend and make things up. I was confronting Chris about this and that's why I was late.

As I got to the kitchens I saw her standing her outside, I stopped in my tracks admiring her. She looked so effortlessly beautiful. She then took notice of me

"You could of at least been on time"

She said rolling her eyes making her way inside. I followed suit smirking at her remark

"Aren't you looking forward to spend some time with me, y/s?"

I looked at her taking the fortunate out of the comoartimenst. She did the same stiffing a sarcastic laugh

"Of course castellan, that's the peak of my day"

I wish that was true

We started cooking in silent, I was making the water boil while she was cutting some zucchini. I stole some glances at her every chance I got, I wanted to talk to her but I was scared

"Oh shoot"

She said, I looked over and she has cut her finger and blood was coming out. I smiled internally at how clumsy the girl was


I said making my way to her with a pice of paper in my hands. She looked at me and turned around. I rolled my eyes at her childish behaviour

"Just let me help you y/n"

"Oh so now we are calling each other by names"

"Just give me your finger"

I heard her sighing before turning around, finally handing me her injured finger. I made her sit on the big wooden table as I wrapped the paper around it.

"It might leave a little scar but-"

"Don't try to make conversation with me"

That hurt, I looked at her, mouth open but I closed it almost immediately. I deserved it and I knew it

"Why do you hate me?"

I asked her, but I knew the answer

"Why do you hate me?"

She said emphasising the you

"I don't hate you, why do you think that?"

I knew the answer to that too

"Ph please as if you didn't know, you've been ignoring me or making fun of me for ages. How am I supposed to feel Luke?"

I sighed and looked down. It has been years since I've heard my name coming out of her mouth, and I missed it. I placed my hand on her knee but I was surprised she didn't move

"I am sorry"

"Just tell me, you've hurt me a lot"

Now tears were in her eyes and I was hating myself more and more each tear. Then one fall down and I quickly wiped it away from her cheek with my thumb

"Don't cry for me, I don't deserve it"

"You don't deserve a lot of things, but I do. I deserve explanation"

I gave up. It was time to make up, to tell her how I feel. I owe it to her, after all the damage I've done to her. I was trying to do good but I did the exact opposite

"After what happened to Thalia... I think that was my fault... but I thought something bad would happen to you, and if that happened I couldn't live with myself anymore... I made fun of you to interact with you in some way, to feel you close, to make you hate me because the truth is..."

I stopped. She looked at me and then did something I wasn't expecting. She took my hand in hers. I started to cry as well. She then hugged me trying to calm me down but I felt awful. I kept on apologizing

How could she be this good to me after everything I've done to her?

"The truth is that... y/n... I love, I've always had and always will and I am sorry, truly and-"

She made me stop talking by kissing me. I was taken aback but didn't esitate to kiss her back. I put both my hands on her face, cupping it. After a while we parted away and placed our foreheads against one another

"I love you too you idiot, you shouldn't have done that"

"But I guess I've made up"

I said teasingly, she slapped my arm rolling her eyes. I took her in my arms as she rested her head on my shoulder

I was never letting go of her again

I dont really like this one, I had it sorted in my mind way better but it escalated pretty quickly. Anyways I am running out of ideas so requests are open!

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