Wonder woman x Luke Castellan

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Disclaimer, this is a crossover between Diana Prince and a Luke Castellan. Diana is 15 in this

Luke's pov
Today is a very special day. Me and some other of my brothers are going on a quest to the Amazones to like bond or something. They are the closest to the gods, and we need their alliance against the monsters

We were now on the ship that would lead us to the island and there I saw it: green, full of flowers. It looked like paradise, I was mesmerized and so were my fellow mates

Once we made it to the shore a woman greeted us, she looked tall, majestic and powerful. She must have been the queen

"I am Hippolyta, queen of the amazones. It's a pleasure to meet you Demi gods, I have been expecting you for a long time now"

"I am sorry if I let you wait your highness but we are here now and I hope we can make amend"

Said Chiron, I was standing behind him, admiring the landscape. The queen then lead us to a field were some older amazones were training

"These are the best worriers we have and..."

She started to explain but my eyes landed on a figure at the end of the field, she looked younger, beautiful, she looked just perfect. She must have been around my age I guess.

Now, usually I am a very mannnered boy but I just needed a name. Her name

"Sorry your highness, who is she?"

All heads turned to me, but my eyes were stuck and the black haired girl, training with an older woman

"She? She is Diana, my daughter, princess of the amazones"

She said. Royalty. No wonder she looked this good. I smirked to my self looking at her skills in combat

"She is good at what she is doing"

I said a bit too loudly, I didn't really wanted that to sound this loud but guess it did. I turned around trying to cover the gaff I did but the queen was already answering

"Yeah she is, but she is still young. The best warrior we have. She can only do better. She is my pride"

She said all proud.

"But wait, if here there are no men how can she be... born?"

Asked Chris next to me, I didn't thought about that but it's true. Where does she come from?

"You have more in common with her than what you think. Her father is Zeus, she is indeed a Demi god as well"

She has such a powerful bloodline, mother:queen of the amazones, father: king of the Olympus. I was only more intrigued in getting to know her more than anything

Diana's PoV
"Faster Diana!"

Said my instructor, I was tired, it has been all day long we have been trying I needed a break. Also the Demi gods must come here today and I don't want to miss that

"I am trying but only if we took a break maybe-"

"Your opponent does not allow breaks"

She said aiming her sword at me. Dodge. And again. Dodge and again and again and again. Until I could anymore. I fall to the ground, my arm protectors were used to protect me from the sword

Until I did something. I crossed my arms and like a force or something pulled everything that was near me in a five meteres kind of way flew away.

I stood up. Awestruck. How did I do that? I looked to see if my mother was there and she was. She looked... I really don't know she just "looked" next to her there was a tall dark haired boy who looked at me in amazement

I did the only thing I could. I ran away. I went to my room and locked myself in. Sometime I was scared by myself. Like I couldn't control it

Luke's PoV

After what happened with Diana's power we went to our assigned rooms to get some rest. I was still thinking at the girl, she was wonderful. I couldn't stop thinking about her, how her voice would sound, how laugh would be like

And in me started to grow a feeling that said to me that I needed to find out these things myself.

I got to the room and unlocked it, but I wasn't alone

"Who are you?"

Asked a soft voice sitting on the bed. It was her. It was Diana. I stood there. Admiring her. I couldn't move. Do you know that feeling you get when... when you just know it's right. It felt right there with her


She said waving a hand in front of my face. I shacked my self back to reality and decided to introduce myself

"I am Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. You are Diana right?"

"Yeah I am, guess you met my mother Luke. Also I think you are in the wrong room. This is mine"

I smiled like an idiot

"Yeah I'll just, get out. Sorry"

I said turning my heels and taking big breaths. This as never happened to me, ever. What was I doing? You are the best swordsman in the camp, glory Luke. Glory, be proud

"Hey Luke!"

Yeah right, prod a shit. I turned around as fast as I could


I said playing with my hands by the nervousness

"Maybe I could take you to your room, what do you say?"

She asked with a smile. Dang that smile. It was even more majestic as I expected. I smiled at her and I tried to sound as cool as I could

"Sure, show me the way ma'am"

I said pulling out a hand for her to take. She gladly did. And let me tell you. This was the start of something. Something magical. Something that it was meant to be

Heyyy guys! So I tried ahhahah but if you want a part two I'll take request and ideas just let me know.

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