Capture the flag

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Y/n's PoV
Today was Friday. This only meant one thing:capture the flag. I always succeeded in this game, wether o was with or against my boyfriend, Luke

Yes we didn't have the same father so we weren't always on the same thing. You must now, my story is quite complicated, my father is one big of a deal. He is the big deal. He is Zeus. I am the only daughter on Zeus in the camp

This only meant one thing that I was really proud of: I was good at everything. You must know that the child of the big one has the powers of all the kids of the other gods. So this goes on my favour and it was either the ares kids or Athena's kids that wanted me on their team due to my capabilities

I was friend with both but this time I was on annabeth's side, she is like a little sister to me and I really know that she can lead us to victory. Another good thing was that Luke was on my side as well

"You ready darling?"

He said standing next to me and looking down at me smiling. His left arm (that was not occupied with the sword) sneaked his way to my waist making me turn to look at him. He had his usual cheeky grin on his face

"Are you?"

I said standing on my tippy toes to give him a quick kiss before the horns went on and the game started. Annabeth told me to follow look and to go north, somewhere near there there must be the flag, and our job was to take it

"Follow me!"

Luke screamed and with his leadership manners he made everyone follow him. I waited for as he was the last one in line.

"Hey you good?"

He asked putting his hand up n my back. We started walking behind everyone else

"Yeah, you?"

"With you by my side? Always"

He said making be blush and smile at the same time. He was such a gentlemen and a checks boy. He never missed a chance to remind me how much he loved me, and I trued to do the same thing with him

When I arrived here I was alone, I was about twelve and it was a hell of a ride to come here. You know monsters and stuff. I lost my mother and there was only one person who stood by me: Luke.

When I was unclaimed I was in the Hermes cabin and every time I had a nightmare Luke made sure I felt safe again and waited for me to go back to sleep

My story here at camp half blood is history due to my father. But I managed to let people to get to know me as for who really I am. Yes I was strong at fighting, yes I had powers but behind all of that there she was: a big hearted girl who never missed a chance to safe her friends

That's who I am. And who I want to be remembered as, not the only daughter of Zeus alive but y/n y/s a great warrior who made her way in the world

But whatever the game was on and we were now fighting against clarisse and her fellow friends, Luke was on to clarisse while I was against two big dudes that seemed particularly mean and far too big to be around 16 years old

In a matter of a second I managed to disarm both of them and I turned to Luke. He defeated clarisse so he turned the other way to go fight another kid but clarisse wasn't done, she made her weapon sparkle and was about to hit luke

The only thing that came to my mind was to protect him so as fast as I could I jumped between them and a lightning fell from the sky right in the middle of the two of us making everyone turn towards me

Luke smirked and understood. He disarmed the rest of the kids while I left a rather angry clarisse on the ground with her weapon no longer working right.

"Sorry clarisse, maybe next time you'll think twice about going behind someone's back"

I said looking at my sword, grinning at my self for how badass what I said sounded.

"We give up"

She said tossing her weapon to the ground

"But be ready y/s, I'll get back to you"

She said in a threatening way. I just rolled my eyes as Luke came by my side ready to pick up a fight with clarisse if she only laid a finger on me. But then I remembered we had a game to win

"Whatever you say Clarisse, we have a game to win so now if you'll excuse us"

I said grabbing Luke's hand while starting to run to where the flag was placed. We arrived there, we simply took it without too much effort and we got it back to our place with just a couple of sword fights

The whole group chanted Luke's name since he was the one who brought the flag to our side. I smiled adoringly looking at him, how did I got so lucky?

He turned towards me and he took me by my waist and pulled me in for a long and passionate kiss as the crowd once again erupted in screams and applause

Once we broke the kiss he placed his forehead on my and looked down at me

"Thank you for today, I wouldn't have done it without you"

He said caressing my cheek

"I think you would have done pretty well either way "

I said smiling at him. We spent the rest of the night celebrating the victory and dancing around the campfire. I got to dance with Luke even though he said he wasn't good at it I made him do it anyways and we both had a lot of fun

Tonight was a night I didn't want to forget

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Luke asked above the music that the apollos kids were managing. I looked at him smirking. I knew where he wanted to get to

"To do what?"

I asked raising an eyebrow. He came dangerously close to me and whispered in my ear in a way that it gave me chills down my spine

"To thank you for today. Deal?"


And the rest is history you guys, I don't want to go to far on but I think your dirty mind can think what happens next ahahha or if you don't like that ending just pretend they spend the night cuddling. Request are open!

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