A special quest pt 1

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Luke's PoV
I was teaching a sword fighting lesson to the fellow Hermes kids. I was demonstrating how to disarms the opponent when Chiron made his appearance

"Luke castellan, you are awaited by the oracle"

What? Theta never happened to me in 5 years I've been here. The oracle wants to talk to me. Why? I looked around nervously, everyone looked at me as if something big happened. And indeed it was happening

"All right"

I said trying to sound as cool about it as possible but I was a nervous wreak. As I made my way to the big house i kept asking Chiron questions about it but all he said was

"Before I can answer you, you must speak to the oracle"

Wow really helping. I've never talked to the oracle but I've heard some satyrs have. Like Groover when he had to go and take Percy, he spoke to the oracle to know if he was one of the big three

Disclaimer: I don't know if this happened but it fits with the story

I made my way upstairs and looked at the mummy-like lady that sat at the center of it. The door closed behind me as I was expecting it to, I was not scared. More excited and curious

What if it was another forbidden child? That would make much sense. But still why me? Suddenly a green gas spread around the room until she started to speak

"You shall go to a quest, to find another forbidden child to whom you'll get closer to, to whom you'll find a safe place. You shall be very careful, danger is about to come with this child and you must be ready. You must go to the east, the child is left with no one but one person whom she calls family, you must be careful. Bring the child safely to the camp and glory will be brought to you"

And then the gas disappeared. So I was right. It was another forbidden child. But still why me? Maybe because the oracle said we will get closer. A million questions erupted in my mind and I made my way downstairs as fast as I I could

"Chiron! Now tell me: first, where do I have to go? East but where?"

I said out of breath. He looked at me with somewhat curiosity in his eyes

"You are one of the first campers that speaks with the oracle and your first question is a geographical one"

I then realised how stupid I sounded. Maybe I had to ask about the forbidden child. How stupid of me. I face palmed myself making Chiron chuckle softy

"So, is it another forbidden child? What's his name? Who's the father? How do I find him? Why will we become close?"

"Now here are the interesting questions: I shall give you backup. Years ago, a prophecy was made. Zeus would have had a child that powers would be put both the child and the planet at risk. The prophecy said that this child would get close to a camper, to whom will find a safe place to live, and coexist with the world. Now this camper must be you since it was an Hermes child with dark hair and a scar under his eye"

I placed a hand on my scar, it was extremely specific but I was excited to see that a propechy talked about me. I wasn't a nobody

"And funny enough, you must bring this child safely to camp. And now let me ask a question. Why do you suppose it's a "he"?"

My eyes widened. It's a girl?

"It's a she?"

"It's a she, and her name is Astrid black, she lives at New York's orphanage with her older brother. She goes to New York 'a high school for disturbed children. You must leave now"

He said hurring me out of the house. I went into my cabin packing all my stuff. I was ready for this quest. I was ready to meet her, to bring her here. Astrid I am coming for you, resist

I somewhat just grew closer to the girl just by hearing her story: the risks she must face everyday being a forbidden child, and not knowing her, also being in an orphanage, and being considered as a disturbed child

I knew I was going to be there for her when she would need me. Even if I didn't know her yet. But I didn't care. I was determined to find her.

Astrid black, I know you are out there somewhere, I am gonna find you, I am gonna give you a better life. Wait for me

Heyyy so I know it's short but I have this idea in my mind and it made more sense to stop the story here. Let me know if you want to know more! Requests are always open

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