The new demigod

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Disclaimer: in this one shot y/n has bright blue eyes with black big curls

Luke's PoV
I was practicing sword fighting with clarisse. She is good but, not as good as me. I've beaten her multiple times in one day but she hardly gives up. She is as stubborn as her father is. Ares. Also being defeated by an Hermes kid is not something to be proud being an Ares kid

But anyways I won again

"Aren't you tired yet?"

I asked at her since she was breathing heavily, I held my sword at her throat and she simply said


I sighed lowering my sword. I was pretty annoyed by this time but I didn't have anything better to do. Also it was only mid day.

As I went back to my place I noticed some kids running around and wishpering to each other something like "it must be her, I saw her lightening a tree to fire!"

I frowned. Who used lightening? And who was this she? I couldn't think any longer that Chiron arrived all holy and mighty

"Luke, you must go to the infirmary"

He said, I frowned once again


"New comer just arrived, she is injured. Will has a lot of work to do. I must ask you to help him take care of her"

Then it clicked. The "she" that the kids were talking about was now in the infirmary. I was curious to get to know her, I let my sword fall to the ground and I immediately went to the infirmary, not really caring about clarisse


I asked as I was on the door. I saw him coming to me panting.

"Luke thanks for coming, I need you to feed with ambrosia a girl, on bed 9 thank you"

He simply said and went back to wathever he was doing. I took the ambrosia from the table and went to bed nine. Curiosity was creeping its way inside of me

Once I made it there I saw a girl. I expected her to be younger, maybe annabeth's age, but she looked around my age. Maybe a couple of years younger. Strange, usually demigods arrive here around the age of twelve or something

I took in her appearence. She was quite breathtaking. She had pale skin with some light freckles on her nose and checks, she had high cheekbones, her lips were full and rosey while her hair were a mess on the pillow beneath her, they were black and curly

A strange feeling crept in my heart, and I just stood there looking at her. The only thing that looked bad about her was the fact that she looked sick, pale, like she was dying. So I urged myself next to her and fed her with ambrosia, I turned around putting it back away on the table and just as I did that I heard shifting

She was waking up

I got closer to her face, to hear if she was making some other sounds. But nothing. She was not waking up. Then it was all fast. I was on the ground and she was sitting up on the bed. She punched me in the nose

"Who the hell are you?"

She said trying to stand up. I hold my nose that was starting to bleed and gestured her to sit back since she was not in the force to do it. She got the message but she just ignored it saying:

"Like hell I do"

And she stood up. In the meanwhile I got up as well just in time to catch her as she was about to fall down to the ground. Legs shaking like crazy. I said it, she wasn't in force

"You need to rest, get back to bed please"

I said as I placed her back on the bed. She just sighed defeated. She sat on the bed and looked at me, waiting for answers to questions she wasn't asking. So I decided to speak up

"I am Luke, Luke castellan. Here you are at camp half-blood we're all the demigods are safe"

I said to her wiping the blood from my nose. I looked at her in the eyes and I was mesmerized. She had the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. And they popped up with her dark curls

I waited for a reaction

"So my mother was not lying. Gods exist"

She said looking down. I noosed at her and sat on the bed next to her

"What's your name?"

I asked the beautiful girl next to me. She looked at me smiling, a sad smile. Something must have happened before she arrived here. But I decided not to ask, not now. When the time will come she will tell me herself

"I am y/n, y/n y/s"

She said. I smiled at her and stick my hand out for her to take. She took it with not too much esitation. She went to shake it but I took it up to my lips and kissed the back of her palm, making her go read as a tomato


She said laughing. I quickly joined her welcoming her to camp half-blood in a more formal way. Her eyes then went wide and I asked her what was wrong

"I am so sorry for your nose, you know I didn't want to punch you I just got scared"

I chuckled at her and told her there was nothing to worry about since I was the creep who stood five centimeters away from her face while she was passed out


She laughed as well. We then just smiled and looked at each other. I could tell that she was going to be important to me, I just had that feeling

"So, I should show you around camp what do you say?"

"I'd say it's a great idea"

Hellooo guys, so I really want to make a part two of this, maybe explaining y/n's origins and who her father is (even if I gave some hints eheheh), I also would like to do a little time lapse to her claiming and  the relationship between her and Luke. Let me know if you'd like it

Luke castellan one shots Where stories live. Discover now