You are human

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Luke's PoV
I was right outside the barrier to check the territory, yesterday there were a few no esters and I am looking for some treasures. As you know Hermes is also the god of thief, not that I am proud of that

The I heard laughter and chatting. I turned around and there was a group of people around my age. I hid behind a tree, curious to see what they were gonna do.

And then I saw her. A girl, maybe a year younger. She was so beautiful. She had these big eyes that I couldn't stop stare at. Her laughter filled the space between us and I smiled at myself, her laugh was contagious

Y/n's PoV
I was now with best friends, we were doing a road trip but not too far from where we live. We came to a dead end and we decided to settle on the grass before a big hill

I was laughing at something my friend Jules said, then I looked around and I heard some noises so I went silent. I looked around to search the cause of that noise but I couldn't see anything around us

"Are you even listening to me y/n?"


"That's what I taught, gee thanks"

"Sorry I need to check something"

I said as I got up to walk up that hill, the noise was surely coming from there and I was about to find out what the source was

"Here she goes again, wandering off as always "

I heard my friend say, yes I was known to be always on ten clouds and to be quite dreamy but this wasn't a dream, I did hear a sound, I didn't imagine it or else I was going crazy

Luke's PoV

I saw the beautiful girl standing up and she was coming directly towards the camp. I hid behind the barrier as I stood my ground there. I was curious to where she was going

She came closer and closer and she was only inches away from my face. I took a note of every single detail of her face, and as she got closer I could tell she was more beautiful as she looked from far away

I held my breath, scared that she might sense me. But apparently she didn't she stood there, just a few centimetres away from me. But she couldn't see me, could she?

Y/n's PoV

I was at the top of the hill but there was nothing. Except there was this smell of metal and pine, it was a good smell. It's like a cologne not something you would find in nature. There was somebody there, only that I couldn't see who it was

I was definitely going crazy

"Y/n come back here! We are leaving"

Called my friend out. Reluctantly I made my way back to them, not before looking behind me one more time and I swore I saw I tall dark haired guy standing there. I was shocked but my friends dragged me away

I will come back here tomorrow for sure

*the next day*

Here I am again on the hill, the infamous hill that was going to make me crazy. I went to the top but it was different from yesterday. There were people, kids, swords, and much else

I took a step forward awestruck by everything that was around me. How could have not seen it yesterday if it was right under my nose?

Then I saw him. The guy from yesterday. He was near me but he had his back towards me, he was cleaning a table I guess or putting away some armour

Why did they have armour? Why there were swords? What was this place?


I said out loud to the guy who immediately turned towards me, making everything he held in his hands fall down. He looked around unsure if I was talking to him

"Yes you! I saw you yesterday up here!"

He was not answering nor talking, just staring in shock. He went as pale as a ghost. I snapped my fingers in front of his face as I got closer

"You- you can see me?"

He finally talked. I breathed out a laugh. Was he serious or did he think I was blind or something?

"Oh so you talk! And yes I can see you, and tell me what is this place?"

I asked him. I was getting curious and curious every time I saw someone walking by with a different type of armour, there was also a lake where people were canoeing

"This is camp half blood, you must be one of us"

He said. What? With is the other half of the blood? I looked at him confused and he took notice and grabbed my elbow to bring me to a more private space

Now I usually don't like physical contact, but his hand on me made me feel something. I couldn't deny the fact that the strange guy looked quit handsome, more than any other guy I've ever met

"This is camp half blood, where Demigods are safe from monsters and we learn how to fight and- you are not a demigod"

He said staring at me. I was getting more confused each time he spoke. Demi gods?

"Wait, what are Demi gods?"

"Do you have parents? And a birth certificate?"

"Really random and creepy but yes, I do have both my parents and a birth certificate, now mind answering my question?"

"This is strange so strange"

The boy looked around trying to find answers to questions he wasn't even asking. After what felt like eternity he turned to me, introducing himself

"Hi I'm Luke castellan, son of Hermes "

"Hi I am y/n y/s and I am outta here "

I said spinning on my heals to get back from where I came from. This was getting crazy. Son of Hermes? The god Hermes? I was going nuts I need to take pills again

"Wait don't leave!"

Luke called out, running to me

"Why? You just told me your father is a god and I am pretty sure I am going crazy so no thanks "

He took his arm. A pleading look on his face. I stopped staring as in his chocolate eyes. I felt like I was going weak on my knees from the way he was looking at me

"I need a friend. And if you come with me I will explain everything for you, trust me. It's gonna sound crazy, but it's real. You are human but you can see things others can't. Please stay, I need it"

I was unsure but his tone made me trust him. It was like a connection I felt with him so I told him "okay, I'll stay" and he told me everything

I didn't believe him at first, not until he showed me his conversation with wings. So gods do exist. I came back to our secret spot everyday waiting for Luke to tell me more, this was only the start of two worlds collapsing with each other, the start of two teens paths crossing each other

And I couldn't wait any longer for that to happen

So here is the imagine for @333shayy, hope you liked it! Requests are always open!

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