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Uzi adventures into the frozen wasteland that is Copper-9, the bunker where she lives is conveniently very close to the Murder Drones nest, and so it will only take a few minutes to go into the mouth of hell, as she trek's closer and closer into the beast's den, she think's to herself.

Uzi (Curiously talking to herself): What were murder drone's exactly created for? If JcJenson was so afraid of their AI going rogue, why not just create a mass self-destruct button? Was it just that bad of a fuck up in their part? I've heard that there are machine's that even Murder drone's don't want to fight... I hope I find a machine like that, so I can prove to the colony that we can fight! 

As Uzi was freakishly talking to herself, she realized that she finally has arrived at her destination, the murder drones nest, the place where only the most brave, suicidal and stupid drones go for their own personal benefits. Uzi hurry's forward and goes to a large pile of dead worker drone corpses to try and find the final part for her "Sick as hell railgun", and as she was scurrying around in the pile of corpses, she notices two flying figures flying high above her, she quickly hide's inside the pile of corpses, not wanting to join them in their peaceful eternal slumber. She hide's there for quite a little bit, until the silence comes back, and then cautiously goes out, and returns to finding the final part, after a little while, she finally find's the last part that she needed inside the eviscerated carcass of an unfortunate worker drone, a cooling unit, it was cruelly shoved inside the poor bastards stomach, as a way of torture, this disgusted Uzi, but alas, she was happy that her railgun was finally complete. 

Uzi (Excited): Yes! Finally! Now everyone will demand for my friendship! When I kill a murder drone! She laugh's insanely while looking high up at the shining white stars of the night sky, her face start's to tear up as she finally proved herself to everyone

But, unfortunately loud noises attract unwanted visitors... and as she laughed, an intimidating figure leave's the entrance of an abandoned spaceship and climbs upon the antenna of the ship, looking for the foolish victim that made such a ruckus, and it see's Uzi, grab's a worker drone corpse, and crushes it with one hand, drinking the void colored liquid that squirts and sputters out of the corpse, then it fall's onto the ground with a large shockwave and look's at Uzi, it's eye's replaced with a large X icon. 

Uzi (Horrified): Shit, shit, shit! 

She scrambles to grab her railgun and aim's it at the beast, no this monster, that has killed so many of her own kind, and keep's her finger extremely close to the trigger,

 Stop and talk or i'll shoot! 

The Murder drone does not in fact want to talk however and immediately tries to swipe at Uzi with it's razor sharp claw's, Uzi lean's back as fast as possible, her beanie get's cut as she barely dodges the attack and does a backflip to maintain composure

I guess all of that anime I pirated did pay off! 

She smirked and aimed the railgun at the beast 


As she was about to pull the trigger, the Murder drone used it's tail to push Uzi onto a wall causing her to fly in the air for a second, but Uzi landed on her ass and hurriedly grabbed the railgun, aiming directly at the Murder drone's head 

Bite me! 

She fired immediately, with full intent too kill, the Murder drone doesn't even have time to react, and it's head makes contact with the energy beam, first it's head's layers were quickly incinerated by the beam, and then it's head was purely gone, like it never existed in the first place, Uzi stands next to the now lifeless corpse of the murder drone, triumphantly and with tears of joy in her face

Take THAT dad! I am not worthless!

Uzi's celebration however, was cut short, as the Murder drone's head started to form back to life with liquid mercury, it's screen was finished repairing and the word's "EMERGENCY REBOOT" were on it's visor, Uzi looked at her railgun in horror as it was still cooling off, and scrambled for a weapon of any kind, anything would do, as long as it could permanently put this monster down forever! And out of anything she could have used for a weapon, she grab's a fucking worker drone arm on the ground and slam's it onto the Murder drones head.

N (Giggling): Did you just hit me with that dismembered arm? 

Uzi (Scared): Holy crap it talks. She tries to find an excuse on why she hit a fucking murder weapon with an ARM Oh! Erm, yeah, sorry it's just that... my head hurts! Yeah... She awaits her death knowing that was the shittiest lie known to drone kind

N (Happily): Hey, are you new to our squad? Your pretty small for a Disassembly drone! The Murder drone stared at Uzi, not with suspicion, just because no thought's are ever present inside it's head My name is Serial Designation N! I'm happy to meet you! I'm... kind of the leader of this squad in this sector of the city... Well... actually not really, V and J always tell me how stupid and obsolete I am... Let's go there! He grab's Uzi by the arm and brings her to the broken, decaying space ship This is where we, the murder drones, live! He say's this happily

Uzi look's around the obvious dropship, trying to find a way to leave this tense situation, and spot's a terminal in the back of the space ship 

Uzi (Suspiciously): What's that thing? 

N (Bitterly): Oh... that's my Ex-friend, he's a big meanie now, so I don't want to talk to him... you can if you want though. 

Uzi walks up to the terminal and tap's on the screen,

Uzi (Happily): Oh! It's a touch screen! Yay! She rub's her musty ass finger all over the screen

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