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Tundra impatiently waits for it's main quarry to come towards it, Agony confusingly waits for whatever foolish soul dares try to attack a master Sword Machine, Uzi see's this opportunity and crawls away towards N's dead body. The rumbling became louder and louder, the dark hallways of the bunker echoing out other-worldly screams towards the Sword Machines general direction. 

Agony (Surprised): What are we even fighting Tundr-!

Tundra (Enraged): Shut the fuck up Agony... HE is here. It revs up it's blue sword

The sounds of screaming and rumbling came closer and closer towards the Sword Machine, and finally, a gigantic, metallic looking, centipede-like abomination, sprang forth towards the Sword Machine, it's body clearly damaged significantly from explosives, bullets and even cuts, blood and oil dripping down from it's other-worldly body, as it lunged towards the Sword Machine, the Sword Machine jumped above the centipede and stuck it's red sword into it's carapace armor, the beast screamed like no other creature ever should have. The Sword Machine then revved it's red sword and grinded the flesh and metal that was inside the beast, causing it to scream in agony. 

Agony (Pissed): Why are you on edge so badly Tundra?! This beast is wea-! 

Agony's question was answered.

As Version 1 used it's whiplash and sticks it in to the under-belly of the beast, It swings under the beast and uses it's force to dash on top of the beast, and ground-slams on top of the centipede-like abomination, causing chunks of metal, flesh and splotches of oil to squirt out of the area below where V1 ground-slammed the mechanical abomination. V1 uses it's whiplash to stay on top of the raging massive monster, and stares at the now speechless Sword Machine. 

Agony (Surprised): It's... you... 

Tundra (Enraged): I have been waiting for this moment for so, so long! To be beaten by such a small creature... I will not allow it! It charges towards V1 with animalistic rage

V1 silently watches the damaged, crudely repaired Sword Machine, run towards it with impressive, desperate speeds, the Sword Machine then elegantly holds it's blue sword proudly in the air for a few milliseconds, a flash of blue being shown shining upon it's pink eye. V1 was surprised to see that, and dashes to the side of the Sword Machine, causing the Sword Machines attack to saw straight through the beasts armored flesh, making the beast make a loud, low, guttural roar as it felt it's flesh being ripped into pieces as the chainsaw blade savagely landed on its back. 

Tundra (Calmly): I will wear your head around my neck to commemorate your death! With all of its rage, it pulls it's blue sword out of the beasts gaping wound within milliseconds

The Beast then tries to shake off the two machine-gods by grinding it's own body into the bunker walls, causing it to desperately roar in pain for the two to get off it's back. 

Agony (Stressed): Shut up now! A machine-god commands you! The Sword Machine clamps its feet together into the beasts body, it then revs it's red chainsaw sword and raises it up high in the air

As V1 watched the disfigured Sword Machine slowly rise up it's red sword, it faintly remembered that this Sword Machine used to not be one Sword Machine, but they used to be two completely different Sword Machines that V1 ruthlessly slaughtered for it's mission to maintain it's blood storage, V1 found this quite entertaining, as the machine was so desperate to be kept alive, that it allowed itself to unite with one another, this was a very dangerous thing to do for a machine, as they risked their UI's clashing with one another, effectively making them brain dead, V1 decided to humiliate the Sword Machine, and elegantly hopped off the damaged beasts back down onto the bunker floor, surprising the Sword Machine.

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