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J (Smugly): Wow! Am I dreaming? Or did you finally do something remotely effective? Good job, for once N. She hits N's shoulder aggressively, envy clearly written on her face

V (Laughing awkwardly): I've been trying to get past those doors for months! Good job! She pats N's hit shoulder once, and then walks up to the last closed bunker door Nice work, N! She gives him a thumbs up

N (Stunned with the fact his name was remembered): He slowly gives V back a thumbs up and then realizes that she said his name Wa-wait, you... me... remember... name? He moves his hands to emphasize his emotions, the only clear emotion he was showing was stupidity unfortunately

V ignores his clear showing of attraction and walks up to the bunker door, analyzing potential ways to avoid it all together, she then spots some ventilation systems,

V narrows her eyes as she stares at the ventilation shafts, and grins maniacally

V (excitedly): These ventilation shafts can easily get us past this last door! She deploys her wings out and transforms both of her arms into laser cannons Lowest body count eats a missile! She then ferally flies into the ventilation shaft while cackling maniacally

J walks up to N and pats his back more affectionately this time.

J (Still envious): Way to go, stud. The company is going to really love this. She slams her hand on N's back with clear anger, N says "Ow" to try and stop J from damaging him, but that doesn't stop her With this company wiped, we'll finally make top team this quarter for sure now. She then speaks in a playful voice You know what that meeeaaans! She takes out an old pen from her back pocket Branded pens! She presses the button on the pen to prime it and unprimed it again and again

N is clearly infatuated with the pen and gawps with amazement as the pen moves back and forth, J chuckles at N's clear naivety, and throws it at him for him to keep since he did such a good job.

J walks up to the hole V left in the ventilation shaft and prepares her wings to fly in it, until N stops her by asking her a question while looking at his new, hard earned pen.

N (Cautiously): Uuuuh, you know, not that I can't wait to keep slaughtering all of these, uh... maybe not so actually different from us worker drones! But just outta curiosity... do we actually know, uuh... He hisses through his teeth as he speaks know what the company plans to do with us afterwards? His statement catches the attention of Uzi, who was accepting her death just now, and now turns towards N out of shock of what he just said

J (Stunned): Excuse me?

N (Regretting what he just said): Okay... so... a worker, right? earlier... might have suggested that they could've fixed up our landing pod, to... uuh... escape the planet and stuff! He then looks and points at J like a dumbass Which, whoa! Hey! That's against the rules! But it is kinda is making me question why exactly our pods were only one-way in the first place.  

J looks at N astounded with the layers of stupidity N is showing, and raises her eyebrow toward him. 

N (Contempt with the fact that he delivered his statements poorly): C-cause, y-you know... I get the feeling the company doesn't actually love robots, and... like... we might... be... robots??? N is now contempt with his fate I've made a terrible mistake! It's cool how I can immediately tell!

Before he could say another word, J moves closer to N, and puts her hand on his back. 

J (Joyously): Hmm. No way buddy! Questioning the company? You just gave me the excuse I always wanted! Before N could say anything or react, he feels something attach and impale itself on to his stomach, and he looks down to see J's arm, imprinting a small metal chip onto his stomach area, labeled with the word "Virus", his metal skin hisses with heat as the object is forced onto his body, and he falls onto the ground, unable to control himself

J walks away from N's failing body, and takes a glance at his failing body with an angered frown. 

J (Saddened (Not really)): Worker drones are corrupted, N. That's why the company sent us, remember? She pouts with her voice and bends over tauntingly towards N's dying body I hate to see you corrupted as well. 

N (Stuttering, Glitched, broken speech): Th-th-thanks, J, Always... l-looking out for me... His body finally keels over and he lays on the ground facing the ceiling with an error sign You're... so... awesome...

J scoffs with pleasure and waves goodbye at N's corpse, right before flying immediately into the vent V flew in, N is seen playing melancholic music through his mouth, he wants to leave the world as peacefully as possible. But his plans of dying "peacefully" was cut short by a small purple worker drone walking towards him, Uzi grabs her rail gun and holds it with both of her hands with a small frown on her face looking at N. 

N (Still glitched and broken): Ah... biscuits... I'm so sorry. I ruined your card game, I then made you have an awkward moment with your dad... He spreads his body out preparing to hear the small worker drone cuss him out until death

Uzi (Annoyed): And I made you rebel like an angsty, stupid teen, which funnily enough got you killed. Though, you also tried to kill me, so morality calls this a draw. She says this while moving a big military crate so that she is able to climb up the ventilation shaft, however, she is a midget, she then groans to herself and turns back to N For the record, that was the lamest act of rebellion in the history of this universes existence. Was that supposed to be you switching sides? 

N (Dying): Being rebellious is way harder than it looks... Thank you for showing me the ropes... He turns towards Uzi and smiles at her, his visor showing multiple error signs

Uzi scoffs at N's display of gratitude and turns her eyes away from him. 

Uzi (Annoyed): Nuh uh, no bonding allowed. You just killed a ton of people, stupid.

N (At peace): That's super fair. He sighs I screwed up, big time.

Uzi (Even more annoyed): UUUUGH, In the same you're about to fix it. She pulls out a wrench from her hoodie and steps forward closer to N

N (Gleefully): Haha! I love doing anything!

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