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N, Uzi and Thad all stare at V with fear, surprise and most of all a sense of betrayal penetrating even their bodies, even though they weren't the one who just got their hand swiped to the side like an expendable asset, V1 was. V snarled with pure rage as she took a step back from V1's now disappointed figure. V1 waited for V's reasoning on why she just did the most stupid thing she had done in her rapidly shortening life. 

V (Filled with hate): Like I said... you ruined EVERYTHING! J, N and I would've all been promoted and living in a more comfortable place then this hellhole if it weren't for you! She holds the USB containing J's mind to her chest If it weren't for you... J would still be alive! If it weren't for you... all of us wouldn't have been traumatized by your crappy worlds psychos! And if it weren't for you, JcJenson wouldn't be so pissed off at me and my team! The fact we called for reinforcements already puts us really close to being seen as "Less value for our costs.", which means we're probably all going to be thrown away! Her face has half an X visor, her right eye still shows however, as she knows she can't even hurt V1

V1 stared at V silently, looking down at her, thinking... it was surprised that it's act of kindness was... rejected, it thought that if it just showed an act of kindness, it's actions would've been forgiven, but now that theory of it's has been broken, V1 lowers it's hand shocked, and stares at V, trying to see what it did wrong. 

V1 (Thinking to itself):These creatures have such complex emotions that they can hold grudges and remember things from the past.. So that's why their so weak, they threw away the ability to process fighting faster, the ability to fight even better, for this? To... create friendships and remember things from the past long ago? How weird.

V1 takes a step back, still staring at V, and then stares at N and Uzi, attempting to comprehend how they could have such a friendship when they were just enemies not a while ago, it then equips it's SRS rocket launcher and launches a rocket, it then freezes it in place and hops on it, it looks at Thad, and motions him to come with it, Thad runs up towards V1 and puts his hands up so V1 can grab him, V1 grabs him and hold him with one hand as he flew with the Freeze Frame rocket towards Thad's colony. 

As V1 disappears into the starry night sky, N stared at V with a disappointed look.  

V (Pissed off): What?! You just expected me to hold hands with the machine that ruined ALL OF OUR GOALS?! She takes a step closer to N, stomping onto the snow, showing her clear hostility How naïve ARE you N?!

N (Disappointed): I am naïve V, and am also really disappointed towards you. His yellow bright eyes stare at the ground near V, feeling too disgusted to even look at her You could've been it's first friend... it clearly doesn't understand emotions! You saw it! It made the effort to show SOME kindness towards you!

Uzi (Extremely annoyed): We could've become friends with a freaking war machine that can kill murder drones with ease! But you ruined our chances! Her eyes staring straight towards V And the fact that V1 didn't even kill us, shows that it's LETTING us stay alive! It is giving us it's mercy! Her eyes start glitching, turning purple and then for a split second yellow due to how extremely emotional she is getting And you had to put V1 back to square one with it's handling of emotions! All for what!? Your pride!? Your ego!? 

V (Taken aback by N and Uzi's statements): Well screw you guys then! One of her eyes turn into a X, while her other eye is showing a stressed expression, showing that she is starting to regret her actions towards V1 I'll... I'll go to the colony and try to make amends... ok? Besides... you two were going no matter what right?

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