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As N flew closer to the corpse spire, Uzi shouted at N.

Uzi (Surprised): Do you hear that distant screaming? It sounds like it's coming from the corpse spire, you don't think that... being, is hostile to anything it see's, do you? 

N (A little bit mad that he lost his little race): Hopefully not! We both saw how easily it defeated two murder drones! He feels his leg get punched by V

V (Pissed off but paranoid of talking shit): If only we could call for reinforcements right now... Oh wait! We can! V's screen then shows a little cell phone ringing on her visor I'm gonna ask for more experienced murder drones to come here! We're gonna need the experience after all! 

N (A bit scared): But won't that lower our quota to nothing? Calling for reinforcements is very punishable for all of us, if it was deemed an inadequate call... 

V (Holding back rage): Oh trust me N... This is NOT an inadequate call.

And as N headed to the entrance of the corpse spire, he, V and Uzi all watch in awe and horror as they see the golden winged, blue colored angel of death that they have seen topple disassembly drones without breaking a sweat, fighting against a Golden tinted, larger version of itself, and N immediately releases V's bindings and fly's with Uzi to the air.  

Uzi (Having too many thoughts in her head): Wha-Gol-, She clears her metal throat First of all, why did you fly me up here?

N (Terrified): There are two of them... I THOUGHT THAT ONE WAS THE ONLY ONE!

V (Transfixed with the fight going on below them): It doesn't matter which one wins and which one dies, reinforcements are coming very soon, and when they do... She motions a clear slice on her neck with one of her claws

Gabriel screams in pain as the overheated saw burrowed deep inside his chest and made a fountain of blood spray up into the air, V1 quickly took this moment of weakness from Gabriel to absorb all of the blood by jumping high up in the air and repairing itself to full

The saw embedded deep inside Gabriel's chest then detonates, fragments of metal lodge deep inside his robotic ribcage, V1 then ground pounds into the ground and shot it's whiplash to Gabriel's foot, it then used the SRS cannon to rocket ride the opposite direction of Gabriel to topple over the larger golden machine. And as Gabriel lost his footing, and fell down with a massive mighty thud, V1 released his whiplash, flew high up in the air, and ground slammed directly onto his chest area. Gabriel's golden armor quickly cracked, a loud crunch noise could be audibly heard for miles, and the gigantic golden copy of V1, laid on the ground silent, defeated.

Gabriel (In shock): Beaten... once again... by a fucking machine! Gabriel's entire golden body, twists and turns back to a familiar shape, back into the terminal, that V1 needs You have defeated me once more. Gabriel's voice cracks as he says the word defeated And for that... you may use the terminal. 

V1 (With Gabriel's voice): What!? Don't tell me you're giving up so EASILY! It emphasizes on the word easily

Gabriel's expression quickly turns furious, his helmet on the Terminals interface showed comical eyebrows slanted angrily to the extreme. But yet, he said nothing. And just watched as V1 looked into the terminal. V1 quickly realized it had enough blood from the fight with Gabriel, to make another weapon of it's arsenal, and it decided to make the nail gun, and made the alternate overheat saw gun, into the default overheat nail gun, as it remembered how weakly armored the murder drones were, and since they were the most abundant threat on this planet, it would focus more on larger fire rate weapons to quickly dispatch them.

As V1 grabbed it's magnet nail gun excitedly, it hears a bullet being fired onto it's general direction, and it dashed away immediately, the bullet it heard quickly collides onto the terminals screen, doing no visible damage to it, and quickly pissing off Gabriel.

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