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N recoils in horror and falls to the snowy ground, the sound of the Ferryman's neck snapping and flesh tearing proved too much for the small innocent machine, as the blood and sinew of the Ferryman could be seen from his now destroyed neck, the CyberGrind only showed a simulation of a humans dead body, in real life, the sound, gore and life leaving the Ferryman's body, proved to much for N as he hyperventilated out of pure terror, V1 raised it's slab sharpshooter revolver out of pure reflex, it's thought process completely derailed as it saw the supposed judge of hell, the bringer of peace, ruthlessly kill one of his most devout followers, Gabriel stared at the smiling corpse of the Ferryman, moonlight shone down on his mechanical body and the dead body like a spotlight.

 The Ferryman's blood slathered on Gabriel's body and showed Gabriel's reflection, he stared at himself disgusted, and stood up once again, in one hand, he carried a circular small shield, and in the other, a long golden spear, his armor looked more slimmer, more flexible and less protected, compared to the huge, juggernaut-like armor he had adorned with his war hammer. Gabriel, slowly lowered the Ferryman's corpse on top of a mountain of dead Murder Drones, positioning the Ferryman as a fallen hero. He then stared at V1 and N, V1 stared back at Gabriel while N was on his knees still processing the horrific sound of the Ferryman's neck snapping and his life leaving his body so instantaneously.

Gabriel (Calmly): The Ferryman wanted paradise. He wanted to live in a place with no despair, no suffering, so I gave him the paradise he asked for... Gabriel stares at the Ferryman's blood on his hands, they were shaking with guilt I believe... I am losing sight at what it meant to have humanity machine... I should be screaming, crying on my knees that I killed such a wonderful person like cattle... The Ferryman's blood is absorbed in Gabriel's hands But... that was the best thing I could've done.

N weakly stood back up, his sensors desperately trying to stabilize itself after witnessing such a traumatic event, he turns both of his arms into sub-machine guns and point them towards Gabriel's statue-like form, Gabriel quietly stared at the small machine who he used to deem annoying, but now, he only stared at N with jealousy, for N had the emotions Gabriel wished to have at that moment, Gabriel then quickly glanced at V1, and noticed that it was aiming it's revolver directly to his head. "Are these constructs afraid of me?", Gabriel thought. This sparked a realization inside Gabriel, a chilling idea jolted into his brain, and for once in his life, the Judge of Hell, felt comfort towards the machine. 

Gabriel (In a joyful, laughing tone): This terminal tried to infect my brain with feelings of apathy! But I now realize... I didn't kill the Ferryman JUST for his blood! His heavenly light-based wings sprung forth from his back and he floated in the air I did it out of LOVE! Out of pure tender warmth! There is no paradise in this world... BUT IN DEATH! IN A PERMAMENT DREAM! His voice held no lies, not a sliver of guilt or coping was in his voice, only a joyous, self righteous tone left his mouth And now... you two will join the Ferryman...  

He held his spear up in the air, but as he was about to initiate combat, he heard a loud, distant thunderous war horn, V1's lens dilates and stares towards the direction where the sound came from. N glanced at V1 like an afraid child, wondering what got it's attention so suddenly, to even ignore this huge threat in front of them. Gabriel knew what sort of fiend, no harbinger... made that kind of sound and he stared at the direction where it came from.

Gabriel (Calmly, peacefully): On second thought... the Ferryman... Gabriel's helmet could be seen sickened with guilt, but it was clear that a plastered on smile was formed on him Did say the council has reformed. But it isn't governed by pure descendants of Heaven anymore... It is sloppily kept together by desperate Virtues wanting salvation... and a group of humans that large... desperately clinging on to any sort of salvation they can grasp on... could make something more dangerous then Hell itself. 

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