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V1 woke up first and looked at it's surroundings, it realized that it was back to the real world once more, and stared at the still asleep Murder Drones, and the one asleep Worker drone, V1 realized that the three three murder drones it slaughtered gave it enough resources to make one weapon of it's choice, it depressingly walked towards the terminal. 

Gabriel (Confused): Why are you showing signs of sadness machine? Are you trying to artifice emotions through your movements? He sounds almost amused How sad.

V1 completely ignores Gabriel's ridicules, and scrolls through the terminal, still thinking about V2, and how he burned himself into V1's mind, how in his last moments, he'd rather harm V1 then take the mercy killing, this caused distress into V1's mind, as the amount of spite for that shouldn't be possible for a machine like them... 

Gabriel (Empathetically): it seems that something finally defeated you, am I right? 

V1 looks at Gabriel surprised, as Gabriel was completely right, V2 won the real battle, the battle of V1's pride and ego, and he destroyed it's ego, as it was caught so off guard by it's damned prideful counter part.  

Gabriel (Pleased): Always remember machine, you can't change the past, but you can always use the past as a lesson to prepare yourself for the future. 

V1 looked at the Archangel trapped inside the terminal with an emotion it never felt before... gratitude, and as it scrolled downwards it stopped at it's green pump shotgun, and stared at it, this was one of it's main core weaponry, and it will surely help with the pest problem that are the murder drones. It selected it and waited for it to be fabricated with the small amounts of blood the murder drones left behind.

As V1 waited for it's weapon to fabricate, it sat there near the terminal, thinking to itself, on how for once in it's life it was beaten, by it's self proclaimed brother, that it has beaten 2 times already. V1 couldn't find a real conclusion on how it was beaten, and so it stared into the terminals screen, day dreaming on how it should've just slaughtered V2 where he stood, but it showed compassion towards it's brother, and offered a peaceful death, that's where it's fatal blunder resided.

V1 then realized that this world was, in a way, infecting it. The entity's residing in this world all show emotions like compassion, hatred, and sorrow, and it was starting to replicate them, it realized that it wanted to feel those emotions as well.

V1 (Confusingly thinking to itself): But why? Why do I want to feel? Is it because it's something new? Those emotions made me lose the fight with V2... It shuddered with anger as it never thought it would think of itself as "losing"

As V1 was thinking to itself, it felt a presence from behind it, and turned around annoyingly, seeing what kind of stupid creature wanted to die today. It was surprised to see a male looking "Worker Drone", his eyes glowing with a lime green color, and his grey hair covered by a backwards facing baseball cap, he was also wearing clothes, just like the Worker Drone known as Uzi. Thad smiled towards V1. 

Thad (Amazed): Wow! I didn't even say anything and you knew I was behind you! You're the coolest dude I've ever met! He fearlessly extends his hand for a handshake towards V1

V1 was once again shocked by the inhabitants of this world, this Worker Drone should've been running away, horrified, as he bared witness to the pinnacle of machinery, but instead, he offered a handshake towards it, V1 slowly extended it's Knuckle Blaster arm towards Thad, and awkwardly, gently shake's his small, delicate hand.

Thad (Fawning): Something as awesome as you shaking my hand! This can't be real! He squeals excitedly, then embarrassingly clears his throat (Shocked) What happened to them? He points towards V, N and Uzi

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