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The terminal immediately flashed blue, and then lines of white text appeared on a golden colored screen.

Gabriel (Enraged): To be touched by something that reeks of... motherlessness... If I could, I would subject you to years of happiness and then take each thing that made you happy away... so I could subject you to a fraction of the pain you have given me, by touching me with your foul, sinful ridden hand! The terminal show's Gabriel's helmet on the interface, with comical eyebrows to depict Gabriel's emotions, it is currently showing extremely slanted angry eyebrows with an obnoxious anger vein on the side of his forehead

After hearing Gabriel saying how if he ever gets hands, he will destroy everything Uzi ever loved, Uzi looked at Gabriel angrily.

Uzi (Holding back angry tears): Well... at least I can move and do stuff! And I'm not the one trapped in a metal digitalized coffin! You... pathetic jerk! 

Upon hearing Uzi's rather hurtful and true statement, Gabriel's helmet becomes red and he stare's Uzi down, the tension between the two of them so filled with hatred, N did not dare speak, as he knew what would happen if he did. 

Gabriel (Choking and Gargling on his own spit due to just being insulted by an object): An object that was cursed with sentience has no right to speak about what things are pathetic and what things aren't! He maintains direct eye contact with Uzi, daring her to try and make a comeback

N knew that these two would not stop insulting each other, and so he decided to sacrifice himself so this dance of insults could finally end.

N (Ready for the terminal and Uzi to light him up with insults): Hey-

As N expected, Gabriel immediately looked at N and started saying N's IP address and every robotic slur he knew. But to his surprise, The short purple "murder drone" only looked at N and gave him a slight nod, knowing what he did.

Uzi (Thankful): Yeah... what a cool... old computer I guess...

As Uzi was maintaining her cool, not wanting to show the terminal that he successfully agitated her, she could hear a feminine voice in the distance. 

??? (With fear): N! We need you! Now!  

N (With urgency): Oh! I have to- um, go see what J want's!

As N heads out, Uzi realizes that there isn't only just one murder drone, there are more, and immediately runs out of the shuttle, not before flipping off the angelic terminal and sticking her tongue out at it, Gabriel look's at Uzi triumphantly, knowing he successfully pissed off the midget robot with mother issues. 

N: I'm here J! What do you ne-, Oh my robo-god! What happened to V!? N stare's at V's mangled body and watches J with horror as she take's off a table saw that was embedded into V's chest, her coat mangled by an obvious sharp object

J (With desperation): I'm sorry V... N! I need you to lick V's wounds! If she continues to lose oil at such a high rate, her emergency repair systems could activate! And then we would have to babysit a gigantic eldritch centipede! She grabs N's head and slams him onto V's body Now be useful for fuck's sake! 

After a little bit, V's body is restored back to her prime, and she reconstructs her tail with the nanite regeneration system for her body.

V (Enraged): N... did you let that worker drone run away!? She stares at N disappointingly, not wanting J to do the yelling, as it always ended with N losing a limb

N looked at V confused 

N (confusingly): What do you mean? That was our newest member! She never told me her name... N then gets a corny ass flashback of the purple drone dodging his attacks and aiming her rail cannon at his head screaming "BITE ME!"

N, finally realizes that he messed up, big time. Letting worker drones live is betrayal to the company and to betray the company is to openly resign your life and become disassembled yourself! And so he slowly back's away from V and J, and frantically start's trying to make an excuse.

N (Terrified): Oh! I left an extremely bad exc- I mean exc-. What I meant to say was I need to go grab something outside! N immediately flies up and crashes into the roof of the corpse spire

J and V both look at each other first, then V pulls out a flag from her mechanical hand that says "Literally so insanely suspicious" J nodded at V's flag and both sneakily tailed N. 

V1, tailing the two female "murder drones" finally reached the corpse spire, and it saw the transgressions of the 3 murder drones it has already seen and thinks to itself. 

V1 (Thinking): So these machine's can have feelings? What a waste of resources... however, the ability to make allies with one another, could be a good thing... It ponders for a split second and then cuts back to it's original idea Well, I don't believe I'll find something as powerful as an EarthMover here, so maybe I can find a weak creature, and squeeze information out of it...

V1 notices the male "murder drone" hurriedly leave, "Probably to follow that poor purple haired machine" It thought to itself, it then noticed the two female "murder drones" "sneakily" tail the male one, it took this opportunity to go inside the drop pod, the drop pod reminded V1 of the Guttermen's and Guttertank's drop pods, only it looked more futuristic, and less for war and more for... work purposes. V1 then finally snapped to action entering the spire, and cautiously entering the ship, red revolver in it's hands, preparing for anymore machines that think they could take V1 on... V1 find's the terminal quietly humming angelic sermons to itself. 

V1 (Exasperated): Oh, great it's him. V1 approached the terminal, prepared to be insulted by the angelic soul inside of it.

Gabriel (Surprised): Machine!? I thought you were to be gone... disappointing, I am guessing you aren't here to converse with me? this terminal is your only friend after all... Gabriel chuckle's to himself at his own insult

V1 delicately pressed it's mechanical finger onto the screen, Gabriel at first looked at V1 annoyed, but knew that whatever he said, would not stop V1.

Gabriel (Curiously): What do you plan on doing machine? 

V1 quickly show's Gabriel what it plans on doing, and hurriedly equips it's blue rocket launcher as fast as possible, it is overjoyed to see that it was ready for deployment, but was annoyed when it noticed that the terminal required more blood to craft it's other weapons.

Gabriel (Amazed with V1 as it unlocked the Terminals files for him): I never thought I would say this, but I have gratitude for you machine, now I can at least keep myself entertained by browsing the endless tunnel's of the machine hivemind.

V1 (Ignoring Gabriel and thinking to itself): Fucking great, where will I get blood in an all robot planet? 

Gabriel (Amazed): I will be honest machine, to see the amount of power humanity had, to create objects out of pure blood... it frankly terrifies me what humanity could have been if they did not focus on fighting each other so much... they could have surpassed the council of heaven, prime souls, and maybe even hell itself...

V1 looked at Gabriel, knowing that it had already slaughtered 3 prime souls, and it was in fact, created by humanity, and gave Gabriel a quick thumbs up before jumping, firing a rocket, landing on the rocket with it's two fucking feet and crashing out of the spire, leaving Gabriel dumbfounded. 

Gabriel (Pondering endlessly): If I could figure out how to make a body like the machine... I could have my last duel I ever so desperately want... Gabriel browses through the file's and stops at the enemy logs, taking a look at two specific enemy logs... V1 and V2



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