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V1 watches as the murder drone flied back from where it came from, and watched as a drop pod flies out of Copper-9's orbit and leaves it's vision. V1 sensed that there were 3 more sentient beings behind it, and looked behind it. There it saw "Uzi", "N" and the one it suspected of calling reinforcements, "V", V1 looked at V tauntingly. 

V (Speechless after seeing the difference of power of a murder drone and V1): H-hey, good job taking those rein-, I mean! Other murder drones! Her visor displays visible sweat

Uzi and N both look at V and V1, knowing that the tall blue robot was quite unhappy, with V, V1 slowly walks up to V with no weapons in it's hands, and crouches to get on V's level of vision.

V1 (Using AI to speak): I know what to do with you. It grabs her arm with it's KnuckleBlaster, Resist and it'll only make this more painful than it already will be.

V shivered in fear and tries to stab V1 with her other sword arm, V1 notices this and parries the sword, shattering the blade and destroying V's left arm. Causing her to grunt in pain. 

V1 (Using AI to speak): Let it be so.

V1 forcefully drags V in front of the terminal, and grab's her neck, holding her in the air to make her submit. 

N (Terrified): Wait! Please! I know she tried to kill you on 3 different occasions, but I promise you! She is a very nice woman! He starts to tear up

Uzi (Fixed on the now normal terminal): That fight was straight out of an anime! It was so badass! She gets closer to the terminal and puts her finger on the screen mockingly You got your ass kicked! 

V1 looks at N annoyed, now getting used to the fact that these machines don't use facts to speak, but instead opinions and emotions for their critical thinking skills. It continues to drag V to the terminal and moves Uzi with one hand gently, not wanting to damage the weak little "worker drone", it then pulls V's hair to make her look up at V1.

V1 (Using AI to speak): Enjoy the horrors of my world.

V1 then pressed it's mechanical finger onto the terminal gently, pressing the "Cyber grind" button, this caused the terminals screen to flash red, V1 then looked at Uzi and N.

V1 (AI voice): If you want, you can come and learn about the trials and tribulations of my world, just continue to stare at the red screen, I will be joining you as well. 

As Uzi, N, and V1 watched, V tries to close her eyes out of pure spite, this bothers V1 and it jams her head into the screen, causing no damage to the terminal, but shatters her visor and dents her head, forcing her to open her eyes as the nanites inside her did emergency repairs. 

V1 (AI voice): Listen to me, or I'll just turn you into a USB stick like the other one. It waves the USB stick of J in it's hand, clearly already forgetting her name as she wasn't either a good warrior or a good talker

V, pissed with the fact that the machine could dare to forget one of her colleagues, listened and stared at the terminal out of fear. V1 then jams the USB of J into it, and stares at the terminal as they all fall on the snow.

V1 falls down out of the red tunnel and lands on it's feet with grace, it then dashed away as it knew that the three machines would not land as gracefully, it watched as N, Uzi and V all land out of the tunnel with a loud thud, all falling on top of each other, and they all stand up in pain. V1 looks at all of them with curiosity and points to the red door that leads to nothing but empty space.

N, V and Uzi (In unison): There's nothing there! 

V1 (AI voice): Look down. 

They all listen and see that an arena below them has been formed up of grey squares. They also see a familiar, bossy face, it was J, standing in the middle of the arena, terrified. 

V1 (AI voice): You can join her and help her since that's what your kind like doing. Or, you can stare up here and watch her fight until she cannot.

Uzi and N hesitate to jump down into the arena, but V jumps in immediately after seeing her. 

V (Excitedly): I'm here to help you J!  

J looks at V in horror. 

J (Calmly): Are you real? Is anything real here?

V (Tears coursing down her cheek): I'm real... the blue trashcan said that this place was an arena, however, I don't see anything here that can fight... except you of course.

J warmly smiles at the compliment but then dreads as V mentions the blue demon.

J (Horrified): Oh god, it's still alive? 

V (Angrily): Yeah, I did what you told me to do and called reinforcements, but they all got slaughtered the machine let one go and told them to bring their strongest JcJenson has to offer though... so that bastards time is almost up!

V1 looked down at the two conversing and clearly heard everything, it was amused with their squabbling, N and Uzi however, mistook it's silence for pure rage.

N (Scared): I promise you, I won't attack you! Neither will she! You've seen how... a-afraid and w-w-weak V is! He feels extremely guilty insulting V like that, but he thought that was the only way of keeping her alive

V1 looked at the murder drone with curiosity and annoyance, these feelings were starting to bother V1, as the only emotions it has been shown by any other creature was Gabriels complete hatred towards it, it made V1 happy though, knowing that hatred wasn't the only emotion in the world. 

V1 (AI voice): Let the games begin. *It dashes to the terminal to the right and and is about to press the MANUAL START OF CYBER GRIND button.

Terminal (Angered): It seems that I at least have control here.

V1 (Speaking through binary): Oh? Your still alive? I thought Gabriel got rid of you for good. 

Terminal (Frustrated with it's loss of control from Gabriel): Fuck you, his holy essence wasn't being detected by my anti-viruses, so I couldn't even get rid of him even if I tried anything.

N notices that the tall machine was quietly staring at the terminal, not moving at all. He was heavily creeped out by this and walked up to the machine and touched it's leg. 

N (Weirded out): Are you ok? 

V1 looks at "N", and gives him a thumbs up, it then shows N the button to start the CYBER GRIND and gestures him to press it.

N (Hesitantly): Ok... I trust you. He presses the button scared

This chapter was an insane one to write, thank you to all who waited patiently, some IRL shit was happening and I was in a bad spot, so your patience means a lot to me. You are all amazing people.


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