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V1 notices that the murder drone named "N" was carrying the female murder drone named V by the head, it was entertained on how V was so feral and aggressive against it, but it was more docile towards N, V notices V1 staring at her. 

V (Creeped out): Wh-what is it? If I try to fight back, I'll end up like her... She looks at J's lifeless body horrified This is just my best way to survive! Nothing else!

V1 looked at V curiously, "to show affection? Onto another object other than yourself?" Was what V1 thought, but it remained silent and followed Uzi out where they came from, the bunker doors were clearly blown apart from explosive ordinance. 

V1 (Thinking to itself): Waste of resources, or was it to insight fear so the weaker drones didn't want to fight? No, that's too complex for these idiots. It looks at V They just wanted to show a flashy entrance, how embarrassing that I had to put it down.

Uzi (Noticing that the relic-like angelic machine continued to stare at V): You don't like her? I don't either. 

All 4 machines leave the bunker and stare out towards the winter hellhole, Uzi and N look determined to fix the drop pod, V continues to stay silent in her bindings, and V1 continues to stare at V until a thought came through it's mind. 

V1 stopped staring at V and then thought to itself, "Why am I following these creatures? Gathering information IS incredibly important, but what do they have to offer to me? These two ARE heading back to where that corpse spire is, I might as well go there faster, I don't want to talk to these creatures, unless if it's to mentally destroy them"

V1 then immediately stopped, Uzi and N stopped moving, and stared at V1.

N (Confused): What are you doing? 

Before N could say anything else, V1 pulls out his SRS launcher, and fires a rocket in the air, it then uses it's whiplash to grapple onto the rocket and ride it as it flies, it proceeds to do this multiple times, until N and Uzi aren't able to see V1 anymore.

N and Uzi looks as V1 fly's away in amazement, the ability to fly using a rocket you just fired, sounds like something from a video game. N energetically grabs Uzi and puts her on his shoulders.

Uzi (Surprised): She hangs on to N with one of her hands, the other holding the rail gun with all of her strength What are you doing!?

N (Excitedly): We're gonna catch up to it! N unsheathes his wings and starts flapping them aggressively, the snow around him flies up in the air and scatters Prepare for take off! 

And just like that, N jumps with his legs and soars to the sky, his eyes fixated on the trail of smoke V1's rocket made as it soared.

N (Excitedly): I won't let myself eat your dust! N then soars towards the smoke trail, recognizing that the path V1 took is heading towards the corpse spire

V1 continues to fly with it's rockets, and as it flew high up in the air, it began to think again. 

V1 (Curiously thinking to itself): I wonder what Gabriel is doing inside that terminal? Since I fought those "Murder drones" I should be able to see it inside the enemy logs. That'll be fun. Maybe I can... V1 grabs the USB stick that contained J's mind This'll be entertaining, maybe I can break her more and see her reaction. Maybe even learn about this "JcJenson" She was talking about.

V1 noticed that it was approaching it's destination, and as it was high above the spire, it jumped off of its rocket and ground slammed into the snow, the snow scattered in all directions and the ice beneath it cracked. V1 went inside the ship were the terminal was located and looked in confusion. 

V1 (Confused with such an improbable event): WHERE IS THE TERMINAL?

??? (With righteous fury): Why! It's right behind you machine!

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