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Uzi lays upon the grated steel floor, still trying to process the brawl that V1, the tall ruthless Swords Machine, and the disgusting creature that looked like J, just finished, she stares at V1 horrified as the cunning machine mercilessly crushed the core of J like it was nothing, terrified of the sheer display of no emotion, not even triumph with the fact that it won against not just one terror, but two, almost as if the machine knew it was going to inexorably win no matter what. This terrified Uzi, to the point of her being afraid to even stare at the mechanical deity, as she was afraid that it's unpredictable nature might make it angered towards her. She certainty did not want such a beast to become even annoyed of her mere presence.

Her train of thought was interrupted instantly as N quickly held her in his arms, tears displayed on his yellow eyes as he was distraught if his lov-, friends, life was in critical danger and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep her existence in this world safe. He desperately yelled Uzi's name, desperate for a response as he quickly rubbed his saliva on the obvious wounds and dents that were on her skin... Uzi quickly snapped into reality, and fearfully stared at N, quickly remembering that he was related to whatever abomination J had become, and her lips started to move as she uttered out her first sentence back onto consciousness.  

Uzi (Irrationally and fearfully): W-... What ARE you people!? She moves her arms away from N out of fear and mistrust

N hurtfully looked at Uzi, unable to say anything to her as even he didn't know what sort of monstrosity was inside him, to turn one of his colleagues into such a... thing. She then quickly shifts her focus onto V1, and points her finger towards the single glowing eye that shined ever perplexingly towards her small, frail existence. 

Uzi (Horrified): I know we've asked you this so many times... She suddenly stops as the machines posture changes

V1 silently stared at Uzi, it's back slumped and it's "face" staring emotionlessly directly at her, it's yellow eye brightly shining and illuminating Uzi's afraid visor, it awkwardly walked towards Uzi, the only sound being heard from it was a wet squelching noise coming from it's back, Uzi watched in complete horror as it's metallic Exo-skeleton plating surrounding it's wires and hardware slowly dripped and oozed off of it's frame, the armor slowly drooped off of V1's body, revealing a disgusting crimson-red flesh hiding under it, V1's singular eye shone brightly towards Uzi, like a spotlight finding a prisoner, signifying that Uzi, unfortunately for her, had it's complete attention. 

Uzi (Terrorized): What in the Robo-Satan!? She quickly reaches out for her railgun

V1 quickly dashed forward, it's eight divine looking wings, flinging out of their ports, meshing into the flesh abomination that was now V1, creating a biomechanical monstrosity that horrified Uzi to her very core. V1 grabbed Uzi's railgun out of her hands with it's Knuckleblaster arm, and quickly snapped it in half with a single movement.

V1 (With an AI voice): Machine kind is a litter of animals, the SwordsMachines being natural hunters, me being the apex predator, and your kind... being the runts. It grab's Uzi's throat and quickly lifts her up in the air, not even bearing any mind of N, who was so revolted and afraid of V1's new form, that he could not even attempt to attack such a disgusting amalgamation of mankind's hubris The only reason why I kept you and your little friends alive, was to find a new fuel source... pray to whatever deity your kind believes in. It quickly break's Uzi's neck area, causing everything to fade to black

Uzi quickly jumps up from the floor and quickly starts to hyperventilate due to such a stressful nightmare, her visor quickly displayed a warning of overheating due to the amount of fear that dream gave her, she quickly stares all around her room.

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