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V1 was flying in the air, quietly thinking to itself as it flew, the cold air and snow flakes flying down and making contact with it's body reminded it of the icy layers of treachery.  

V1 (Curiously): Familiarity of hell... I would never miss such a place would I? To develop emotions like that would be a waste of resource's I could put in other things... V1 had an inner quarrel with itself, thinking whether if keeping these new found emotions of missing hell would be worth keeping for it's own purposes, maybe these emotions would evolve into something that would resemble V1 as... more human

V1 continued to remember the husks, machines and demons that it had to fight in order to survive and continue living, It wondered to itself if someday, if it will find another entity that could pose as much as a threat as the 3 prime souls, V2 and Gabriel, as much as V1 wouldn't want to admit it, it missed such endearing challenges, it wanted to feel the danger of being destroyed and the triumph of beating such a dangerous enemy, and it thought back upon the "murder drones" it fought, and remembered just how weak they were, it remembered how badly they struggled when it parried one and shredded the other with the saw launcher. Those murder drones had an insurmountable challenge, V1 realized that them fighting V1, was like V1 fighting a prime soul, the odds were against V1 by so much, but as long as V1 persisted and fought with every single ounce of skill, cunningness and power it had, it knew that it had a chance, and V1, for a split second, had an emotion go through it's entire body, and that emotion, was jealousy. Jealousy of the murder drones still putting up a fight against it, knowing the odd's for their victory were 1 in a billion, Jealousy knowing that the murder drones were facing an impossible task, that task being defeating V1 and destroying it once and for all, and Jealousy knowing that it will never feel that challenge ever again.

Yeah I know this chapter is short af, Idk what I was on when I made such a short chapter

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