Failed Sneaking

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Such a group of people was suspicious, in every way you looked at it. Nahida kept her observations to herself, not wanting to offend the group in case they were dangerous.

"Wanderer, do you remember the group Kite told us about?"

"The assholes that sell endangered species?"

She nodded, making her thoughts clear to him. They didn't try anything and simply sat back down. Nahida made Neo disappear and sighed.

"We should be careful, the auction has brought dangerous people to York New."

Wanderer nodded, he waited a couple minutes before sighing in relief.

"I haven't forgotten our conversation."


Nahida laughed at his reaction, but still decided to leave him alone for now. It was enough therapy for a day.

Gon hurried to them while stretching his shoulder. Smiling at Hat Guy while Killua tried to close the box surrounding the giant diamond.

"We're done!"

Leorio nodded while counting their money.

"Great cash, still not enough though."

Killua slammed the cover onto the diamond, making Leorio flinch.

"Treat it gently! That costed me a fortune!"

Killua didn't even look at him, just turning to Nahida.

"You two have a hotel room yet? We're all in the same one."

With no reason to refuse, they followed behind them. Gon and Killua talked with Nahida in the front while Leorio kept counting the bills they gained. Wanderer saw how calm Nahida was with the two children and decided to reach inside his kimono.

Pulling out the beetle phone Leorio recommended. He opened it and searched for the number that belonged to Kurapika, texting him so the number would be saved.

'It's Wanderer, I'll give you Nahidas number as well.'

A certain blonde stared at the message, not sure wether he should add it or not. The young lady beside him suddenly glanced at him. Feeling the inner rage inside him slowly calm down. But after he shut his phone off, it came back.


Who would've thought that the best way to earn cash, was by hunting humans? Not just any humans, but people belonging to a gang that called themselves the phantom troupe. It seems they robbed the auction and killed numerous people in the processes.

Nahida noticed the frowns everyone had when they heard that name.

"You three know them?"

Gon and Leorio turned to her with surprise, but Killua only nodded at her observation.

"Kurapika has bad blood with them."

He didn't want to tell them, it was something Kurapika should say if he wanted them to know. Wanderer had a slight suspicion after remembering the revenge Kurapika was after.

Nahida seemed to understand why they were all so quiet.

"We should help him out then, and gather information."

No one had any objections. The leader was made clear when Killua was the first to spot two members out at a restaurant table. They went inside and sat a floor above them to watch.

"Those two are strong."

Nahida nodded, spotting the same samurai she has been seeing ever since arriving. He seemed softer now, almost like an old father.

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