Greed Island, Here They Come!

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Antokiba, the town of prizes. Each wall and billboard in the town were littered with flyers, or quests, as Killua called them. After their completion, the player would receive a reward, either an item or information for their next goal. They ranged from simple; finding a dog, and troubling; like finding someone in another town and bringing them back.

Interesting, for a game, there were so many little stories around this town. In the people Killua called NPCs, and the amount of text in each flyer. If video games were always like these, like a storybook, Nahida would be able to see the story like a play, instead of envisioning it. Well... She was sure she would still prefer reading, and imagining the scenes in books.

But these games are something Wanderer would enjoy. She was sure of it. Gon made a small shout, that caused them to turn towards him.


He pointed at a large billboard, one that separated itself into twelve sections, each labeled with a number. Killua hummed and read the title above it all.

"Antokiba Monthly Tournaments Schedule..."

Gon pointed at their current month, September.

"Look! There's a rock-paper-scissors tournament this mouth."

Their prize would be the Sword of Truth. Nahida was sure it would end up being a card, then each month gave players the chance of collecting a card. Given that each card has its difficulty, these cards must be fairly easy in comparison.

Killua glanced beside Gon, seeing another player they had entered with. Beside Nahida was another one, a man with a purple outfit, and dark skin. It seems every player had the same idea of coming here. Gon hummed, and looked at Killua.

"Should we participate?"

"Of course."

Gon grinned at them.

"Then let's try to win all kinds of prizes."

Killua grinned right back.

"Let's also gather information."

A rumble coming from their stomachs made Nahida giggle. Killua felt his cheeks warm up after hearing her.

"Food first..."

Gon laughed as well.


Nahida pointed at a restaurant she had seen before, the sign with a cute cat made her remember it. After entering, the chef, who happened to be a human-like, yellow cat, greeted them.

"Welcome! Are you three here to try your hand at our challenge?"

Killua whispered to Nahida while Gon asked about this challenge.

"See how you can tell NPCs apart with a glance?"

She hummed and observed the chef, how his whiskers moved along with his mouth, his closed eyes, and... Chubby paws.

"He seems quite life-like, for someone made out of code."

Technology was still such a vault of treasures for her, who knew an entire world would not only be made, but perfectly visualized for you with nothing but several lines of text, art, and numbers combined?

Killua couldn't help his frown at her words. He turned back to the... NPC?

"Well, this game has already been quite odd so far."

Gon nodded with a grin.

"Sure! We'll take on the challenge!"

"Very well! Please take a seat!"

Nahida & Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now