An Exchange, But One Isn't Happy

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Of course, Kurapika agreed to the exchange and gave Pakunoda the favor of choosing the location. But before the actual exchange, he had Chrollo tied up with his chains inside a car.

Leorio drove the car with melody on the passenger seat. Since Chrollo was on the middle, that meant Kurapika was on his right with Nahida on his left. Chrollo couldn't keep his eyes on himself, inspecting the two girls beside him.

"I didn't expect the chain user to be a woman."

He didn't receive a response, so he turned to the small girl beside him. His smile seemed much more sincere and friendly.

"And you? Your string cat was spectacular, you're very talented."

Kurapika pulled the chains to move Chrollo closer to him.

"Don't talk to her. Stay quiet until we get there."

Chrollo narrowed his eyes while inspecting Kurapikas side profile.

"You're from the Kurta clan, no?"

The chains around his upper body suddenly tightened. He could see the hatred Kurapika didn't bother hiding behind his gaze.

"I said. Be. Quiet."

Melody glanced at Kurapika through the rearwiew mirror, her meaning clear. 'Calm down.' But he couldn't calm down after having the source of his anguish so close.

Nahida silently stared at him, watching him sigh before pulling the wig off. Chrollo raised a brow at the display.

"Fine. I'll make this quick."

Kurapikas eyes glowed as midnight arrived, Chrollo felt something cold pierce his chest before he glanced down. He frowned as the foreign object wrapped itself around his heart, something sharp pressed agaisnt it as a constant reminder of this meeting.

"From now on, your nen will be sealed. So long as I live, you won't be able to meet members of the phantom troupe or use your nen. Break this promise, and my nen will pierce your heart."

Chrollo could feel that chain squeeze his heart at Kurapikas words. He glanced at the young girl beside him, seeing she was playing with her green strings once more. Making a small cage, wether that's for Chrollo or herself, is something he won't know.

Kurapika did himself a favor and slapped a piece of tape to his mouth, further showing Chrollo who really had control of the situation.

Well, that's what he thinks. At least. Chrollo closed his eyes while waiting for Machi and the others.

Nahida finally looked up from her hands to glance at Kurapika. Seeing him stare outside the window with narrowed eyes and furrowed eyebrows. She sighed and looked at Leorio who also glanced at her.

Even though this was the plan from the start, they were sure Kurapika would've done something different if they weren't here. Maybe, destroy the spiders head once and for all.

"... The hell?"

Kurapika took his gaze away after hearing Leorio say that. There was another car following them, but this one kept trying to get closer and even hit them. Kurapika frowned.

Why was someone following after them? He glanced at Chrollo, seeing him slowly open his eyes before looking at the rearwiew mirror.

A quick gyo analyze allowed him to see the pink thread around Chrollo, it went through the window door and inside the car tailing them.

Kurapika hurried to sever the nen connection.


Hisoka was more than happy right now, Kurapika was arriving and he had Wanderer in his grasp. Literally, an arm around his shoulders with his cheeks pressed agaisnt a surprisingly soft, and cold one. He still heard Wanderers low growls thanks to their close proximity. But of course, he's taking advantage of their little plan.

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