Nen Could Bring Answers

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What better way to say goodbye, than a picnic in the park? Leorio was happily munching on his food while Kurapika read a book in the shade a tree offered.

The kids stared at each other while holding a pie full of whip cream. Killua grinned before taking a step forward. Gon smiled back, and when Killua charged he did as well. But a quick jump from Killua made Gon miss and get a pie smashed into his face.

Nahida watched them play while sipping on her juice cartoon. Wanderer rolled a piece of sour candy in his mouth while he played around with the beetle phone. They decided to share another blanket, separating themselves from the others. And for a good reason.

"Wanderer, have you thought about it?"

She heard the 'clicks' from the bettle phone stop. Wanderer had indeed thought about their conversation last night.

It didn't take a genius to know they weren't getting anywhere with their investigation. They learned nen, discovered a secret of Celestia that enslaved humans to their will and learned that their worlds may not be so different.

But that's it. They don't know who brought them here, why, and how to get back home.

But now, there's two leads. Nen, and the mysterious figures Netero mentioned. Granted, his contract stopped him from talking. But if Morax was here, others must've been here too.

"If we separate, we'll cover more ground."

That was Nahidas reason, and excuse. Truth is, she starting to worry about Sumeru. They've been here for almost half a year already, five months just training and gathering information to have two, single leads.

They're spending too much time. But it wasn't the only reason Nahida wanted them to separate. Wanderer, as his name implies, is a Wanderer. Before leaving, he should have the chance to explore as much as he could.

"Even so, I don't feel..."

Wanderer took deep breath before continuing.

"Comfortable. Leaving you alone."

Nahida smiled before shaking her head.

"I won't be alone, the children will be with me."

She gestured towards them, seeing Killua throw spaghetti at Gon. Wanderer felt his eye twitch at the sight. Simply imagining Nahida be caught in the crossfire made him shake his head.

"... There won't be much difference with them, and leaving you alone."

Nahida chuckled before placing her juice down.

"I appreciate your concern. But I won't back down. I think separating will be better for us. I can study greed island, learn more about nen and its possibilities at bringing us home. And you can search for clues, or objects the people of our world left behind in this one."

He immediately thought of someone that would know all of that.

"You want me to go with Kite."

She nodded.

"And I'll stay with the children. Not a bad plan, is it?"

Wanderer took a deep breath before going back to the beetle phone.

"This thing can be used to talk, no?"

Nahida smiled.

"Yes, we'll keep each other updated."

"... You promise?"

She paused at hearing him say that. Nahida had heard of the Inazuman custom of intertwining their pinkies for promises. She nodded with a smile before offering her pinky to him.

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