On The Road

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Kite waited patiently agaisnt a tree trunk for Wanderer to arrive, Ei had gone dormant, leaving the Shogun with nothing to do but stare at the poor monster they were supposed to help.
In this silence, Spinners report was all Kite could use to distract himself.

'Everything that thing said checks out.'

She sent him multiple articles and old newspaper clippings of this town, and the several disappearances of its town people. Many considered the town of Venici to be cursed with death. Spinner even found a possible reason, sending him a popular fairytale for the people here.

Kite carefully read through it while their helper tried talking to the Shogun. But her empty stare made them shut up.

'It was said that a young researcher lived in Venici for a period of time. Her golden hair was always perfect, glistening under the sun and attracting many hunters who came to make her their wife. But she declined each one without mercy.

Eventually, her beauty was the sole reason many hunters arrived to their small town. But all this attention, led to her research getting discovered. Research on curses, death, life, using plants and metal to create potions...


Everyone came to that conclusion, and marched to her home. Breaking the door down and entering without warning. There, in the desk she had used to make medicine for their sick and elderly, sat her lonesome figure. As night fell, her golden hair shined brighter than any star.

"Since it's like this, I'll use you as matter."

She threw a potion at them, that instantly stopped through their skin and made them scream. That sun tanned, soft flesh turned dark and coarse in a matter of seconds.

Their witch simply walked past their collapsed bodies, stepping on each one in her way before stopping outside.

"You better head to the ocean, if you want to survive."

Ever since then, Venici has been cursed with man eating, ocean monsters.'

This fairy tale had also been turned into a song, one that Kite heard being sung by children while walking towards the forest. They would hold onto each others hand and sing while dancing around, their grip on each other made a perfect circle.

"The golden witch will come and send your body to the water! Don't interfere with her research and spared you'll be! But if you hurt her kid again, underwater you will go!"

Hurt her kid, huh? The story didn't mention a child, but the monster did say she had arrived with a golden haired child. One their king grew attached to. Kite decided to question the monster again.


They flinched at being mentioned.


"There's a tale in this village, regarding your origin. Do you know about it?"

After a moment, they slowly nodded.

"Not a lot, our elder usually told the tale and wrote down all of our records. But, you're in luck."

They tilted their chin up while using their thump to proudly point at their chest.

"I am the next elder! As an apprentice, I meet the king several times and wrote down many events that happened as part of my training! I can bring you to our library, and give you our records! Our elder has everything! From the start of our race to..."

They lowered their gaze, and fiddled with their fingers.

"Well, to the age of our current king. Almost everything has been documented, even that woman. I was, too young to see her though. I only know what the elder has told me."

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