Dinner For The Winners

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After buying a bettle phone with the money Kite gave them, Killua remembered he still owned Wanderer and Nahida a meal from the race during the first hunter exam.

So that's the first thing they did together after so long. Enter a restaurant and hand the menu over to them. Nahida was quite tame, simply ordering some interesting looking foods. Wanderer ordered the whole menu, handing it back to the poor waiter.

"This should be fine for a Zoldyck. No?"

Killua shaked his head.

"It's my own money, though..."

He sighed and crossed his arms.

"Guess I'm going broke..."

He glanced at Nahida, she smiled at his gaze before turning to Wanderer. The sight of her smile fading and eyebrows lowering made him frown. 

"... Just tea and those meatballs with spaghetti. Extra salt."

The waiter smiled gratefully at Nahida before taking their orders. Killua chuckled and leaned on the table.

"Thanks for the pity, mister Hat Guy."

"Sure, sure."

"So, what have you three been doing?"

Leorio grinned, ready to show off.

"Other than acing each of my exams, I learnt nen!"

Nahida clapped happily at the news.

"That's great! You wanted to be a doctor, no?"

Leorio and Nahida kept talking while Killua and Gon turned to Wanderer. Grinning while waiting for him to notice them.

".... What?"

Gon was about to talk when Killua showed his face onto the table with a 'bang.'

"That flying thing you do, it's nen! Right!?"

"... Perhaps."

"I knew it-"

Gon couldn't escape from Killuas tight hold, so he started tickling his waist instead.

"Ahaha- Baka! Stop!"

"How did you make your nen like that?!"

Wanderer watched Killua tickle Gon back until they fell of the sofa chair they shared with Leorio. Giggling like little maniacs. He huffed a small smile that he quickly got rid of.

The children scrambled back to their seats as Killua asked Gon's question again. Both of them waiting eagerly for an answer.

Wanderer knew there was no getting out of their question, and a part of him wanted to answer anyway.

"I guess... It just came naturally to me?"

Killuas grin slowly vanished, then it came back. It seemed he understood that perfectly.

"Like, you got an idea and that was it?"

"Guess so."

Gon seemed to have a bit more trouble with it.

"An idea, my big idea is... Brute strength."

Simple, yet effective. Killua looked at him with a slight frown.

"That's so you."

Gon chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Killua crossed his arms and looked down.

"For me, I was thinking of electricity."

Wanderer frowned.


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