Cards, Monsters, And Coach

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Nahida gently swayed her feet back and forth while sitting on the stone bleachers. Watching Gon and Killua compete for the championship in the rock-paper-scissors tournament Antokiba was hosting this month. Instead of participating, Nahida decided to stand back and watch them demolish the competition until only they remained. In the end, Gon couldn't win against Killua.

At his victory, the assassin grinned and celebrated by lifting his fist and bringing in down with a low cheer. He was handed the Sword of Truth with Gon watching with a playfully jealous frown.

The moment Killua touched the sword, the sword was enveloped in a white cloud and revealed a card instead. It was card 83, rank B, and only 22 copies available. Killua handed it to Nahida so she could further inspect it.

The kids smiled at each other and high-fived.


Nahida giggled at their actions before handing the card back so it could be placed inside a restrictive slot.
The little victory was short-lived as Killua quickly realized their current issue.

"How do we protect the card? We don't have defense spells or anything."

Since Nahida was a head shorter than the kids, she was forced to hold their hands while they walked. Having to walk beside them to make sure no one bumped into her or took her. This is how Killua phrased it.

"You're a small, cute girl. So, of course, there's going to be a creep looking to kidnap you. Better stay between us."

Never did Nahida consider she would have to be protected in this way. But her small smile seemed to indicate she didn't mind this one bit. After all, it was inevitable.

"There must be other ways to earn them-"

"You three!"

Killua and Gon quickly took a step towards each other to shield Nahida behind them. Hiding her from view in an instant, Wanderer would be proud of their quick decisiveness.

Anyway, another player pointed at them, his finger shaking as it was aimed straight at Killua.

"H-hand over the Sword of Truth! Do as I say, and I won't be rough with you."

Killua sighed, moving back before gently pulling Nahida, and Gon forward.

"No way, stupid."

He was actually worried about a fight with a weakling like that... How pathetic.

"W-wait! Book!"

Killua grabbed Nahida at hearing that before Gon and him summoned their own books with a word. It was obvious he was taking his promise with Wanderer seriously. He wasn't about to disappoint him again, but neither of them had any cards to fight.

The man huffed, pride and cockiness in his voice as he stared down at them.

"You're bluffing, I know you just started. You have no defense spells and only the Sword of Truth in your restricted slots."

With a grin, the man grabbed a card from his book and showed it to them.

"This is Thief! A spell cadd that lets me steal a random card from a player restricted slot! Take this! Thief on! Attack Killua-!"

Gon snatched the card from the man with lightning speed. It was so easy, Gon had to look back with a worried frown.

"Haven't you been training at all? Mister?"

Gon threw the card back at him, watching him catch it with a gasp.

"Next time, I won't return it."

Killua felt even more stupid at being worried about this small fly. Now he understood why Illumi always told him to never hang out around weaklings. Unnecessary worry, that's what he felt whenever Nahida was around.

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