Chapter 4: What's your power again?

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While we slowly make our way home, I think about what Wanda and I just talked about. I would love to have children with her but we are both women, we can't biologically have a child.
Well, maybe if we had incredibly much money, which we don't. We would have to use a sperm donor but just the thought of that, makes me a little uneasy. Not because the child would grow up without that father, you don't need a male influence to be happy while growing up. I grew up with only my mom and was happy with the way things were.

What makes me feel uneasy, is the thought that the child would maybe have to face the same events as me, getting to know their father when they're almost an adult. Sure, we would be honest and tell the child that there was a donor involved but that's it. I wouldn't want the donor to be a part of the child's life, as harsh as it may sound. Sure, when they're grown up and decide to meet up with there father, we wouldn't stop them but that's a different situation.

I don't want the child to get a call someday, with their father on the other end of the line because I know how much confusion it can cause. The day he first called me, it felt like my whole world was turned upside down, even though I knew that I had a biological father, I never thought he'd play any role in my life.
I am still not used to that idea, especially not after what happened in London.

I haven't talked to him since then but Wanda did. She called him once we were settled in Scotland and told him that he can't talk to me like that. She also said more but I wasn't there because I was at school but she made sure, that he won't ever talk to me like that if I decide to want to contact him again.
I'm not sure if I want to talk to him again though. Even if he, hopefully, won't shout at me, I just don't feel comfortable around him anymore.

Wanda assured me that I don't have to and if I decide to call him, she'll be there for me. Since we bought cheap cell phones for us, we wouldn't even have to be in public, but I don't know.

All that lead to me not wanting for our future children to have a father that might show up at some point because I doubt that we won't even be in the media again. It might be hard to find us but not impossible. I just don't want our kids' world to be turned upside down by someone, just because he donated his sperm.

"Do you think there is a way, we could have children without a donor?" I ask and Wanda looks at me surprised. She thinks about it while we cross a street.

"I don't know, how the terms are on that biologically but maybe, yeah." She answers and her eyes look over my face and by the look in them, I can tell, she knows what my concerns are. I hum.

"Maybe there's another way though, without a donor...I just don't know if and how well that would work." She thinks out loud and I look at her interested.

"What way?" I ask and she glances around, making sure no one can hear us, which makes me a little suspicious as to what she has in mind.

"Magic." She almost whispers and I stop and look at her.

"What?" I ask stupidly, thinking I miss heard her.

"I think, there could be a way you could create children with magic." She explains further but I am still confused.

"Isn't that what every mother does? Using 'magic' to create her children?" I ask and Wanda chuckles a bit and tilts her head from one side to another before gently tugging me further.

"Well, yes but I don't mean the methaphorical way. I am talking about real magic, you know..." She trails off and lets a little ball of her magic appear between her fingers for a few seconds. I try to imagine what that would look like but I cant. We walk up the stairs to our apartment and get in.

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